China Warns US on Taiwan Independence: ‘Will Only Backfire’

Following a day of intense military drills around Taiwan, China has cautioned the United States that any attempts to support Taiwan’s independence are futile and will only result in negative consequences. This warning comes after a US official recently called on Beijing to show restraint in its cross-strait dealings.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin stated that efforts to undermine China’s position on Taiwan and encourage support for “Taiwan independence” will ultimately be counterproductive. He emphasized that the US has no authority to criticize China on this issue.

“Nothing will deter us from defending our sovereignty and territorial integrity, and we will do whatever is necessary to thwart any attempt at ‘Taiwan independence’,” Wenbin declared.

Beijing maintains its claim over Taiwan as an inseparable part of its territory, threatening to use force if necessary to maintain control. Wenbin reaffirmed that Taiwan’s aspirations for independence are注定 doomed to fail.

“Taiwan is an integral part of China’s territory. This historical fact reflects the true status quo and will remain unchanged in the future,” Wenbin asserted.

When asked about the recent Taiwan Strait tensions, Wang Wenbin reiterated that “Taiwan is China’s Taiwan” and emphasized that “the US has no right to make such remarks.” He also pointed out that the tensions stem primarily from the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) reliance on the US to achieve independence.

“The root cause of the tensions across the Taiwan Strait is the DPP authorities’ attempt to use the US to seek independence. They have been attempting to contain China under the guise of Taiwan. If the US genuinely desires peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, it must unequivocally adhere to the One China principle and oppose Taiwan independence,” Wenbin said.

Wenbin further emphasized that supporting Taiwan’s independence would lead to trouble and that China is unwavering in its determination to defend its national sovereignty and territorial integrity. China firmly opposes any move towards Taiwan’s independence.

A few days after Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te took office, China conducted military drills around the island, which CNN described as “punishment” for alleged “separatist acts.” The drills involved dozens of Chinese fighter jets carrying live ammunition, which conducted mock attacks on “high-value military targets” of the “enemy” alongside destroyers, frigates, and missile speedboats. These exercises serve as a significant test for the newly elected President Lai Ching-te as he seeks to manage relations with China, a powerful authoritarian neighbor.

Despite never having controlled Taiwan, China’s ruling Communist Party claims it as part of its territory and has threatened to take the island by force if necessary.

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