Calgary Marathon: Ukrainian Volunteer Joins Calgary Marathon Team After Wartime Aid Work

Calgary Marathon: Ukrainian Volunteer Joins Calgary Marathon Team After Wartime Aid Work

Herman Demydov, a Ukrainian volunteer who assisted with humanitarian efforts in his home country, is now contributing his skills as a volunteer at the Calgary Marathon. Demydov’s experience as a project manager has proven valuable in organizing the race’s bag check operation.

“His timing was impeccable, because we are redoing how we do our bag check and it takes a smart brain like Herman to help us figure out the logistics,” said Kirsten Fleming, executive director of Run Calgary.

Demydov is enjoying the opportunity to give back to the community. “The thing that I love so much is volunteering,” Demydov said. “It’s really helpful to meet people and I’m so happy to be here as part of the organizers.”

The Calgary Marathon starts and finishes at Stampede Park on Sunday May 26 at 7:30 a.m.

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