The Bear, the critically acclaimed comedy-drama from Christopher Storer, has been renewed for a third and fourth season by FX/Hulu. The show, which follows the chaotic and moving lives of the staff of a Chicago sandwich shop, has won over audiences with its sharp writing, stellar performances, and ability to make viewers laugh and cry in equal measure.
The renewal news is no surprise to fans who have been eagerly awaiting the next chapter in the story. The show’s second season ended with a cliffhanger, leaving many questions unanswered. Will Carmy (Jeremy Allen White) find a way out of the walk-in fridge he became trapped in during the season finale? Will he and Sydney (Ayo Edebiri) finally get together? And what will happen to the restaurant now that it’s finally open to the public?
The new seasons will explore all of these questions and more. According to Storer, the third season will focus on the characters as they learn to navigate the challenges of running a successful restaurant. “The big question for us in season three is, how do you maintain the heart and soul of the restaurant while also making it a viable business?” he said in an interview with Variety.
The fourth season, meanwhile, will be a continuation of the third season and will delve deeper into the characters’ personal lives. “In season four, we’re going to see the characters start to grow up a little bit,” Storer said. “They’re going to start to figure out who they are and what they want out of life.”
The entire main cast is expected to return for both seasons, including White, Edebiri, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Abby Elliott, Lionel Boyce, Liza Colón-Zayas, and Matty Matheson. The show’s first teaser arrived on May 9th, followed by a slightly longer trailer on May 24th. While the trailers offer few conclusive answers, the sight of Carmy and co getting down to work again is certainly tantalizing. The former also revealed the release date: June 27th. Bring on the carnage!