Trump-Appointed Federal Judge in Alaska Resigns After Misconduct Findings

A Trump-appointed federal judge in Alaska, Joshua Kindred, has resigned after an investigation revealed serious misconduct. The Judicial Council of the Ninth Circuit found that Kindred created a hostile work environment for his law clerks, engaging in inappropriate sexual conduct and harassment. The investigation, detailed in a 30-page order, revealed numerous instances of misconduct, including sexually charged text messages and lies to his colleagues.

Kindred’s resignation came after the council found evidence of a hostile work environment created by his behavior, including “unwanted, offensive, and abusive sexual conduct, including sexual harassment.” The council highlighted over 700 pages of text messages between Kindred and his law clerks, many deemed “highly inappropriate.” These messages included comments about ethics, violence against Supreme Court justices, and the use of drugs and alcohol.

The investigation also uncovered an “inappropriately sexualized relationship” between Kindred and a former female law clerk. The council found that Kindred engaged in sexual contact with her on two occasions, one of which the former clerk claimed was non-consensual. While Kindred maintained the encounter was consensual, the council stated that a determination of consent was not necessary to conclude that he committed misconduct.

When questioned about the sexual encounter during the investigation, Kindred lied to Chief Judge Mary Murguia, the Special Committee, and the Council, denying the encounter until he was put under oath. This act of deception further added to the charges of misconduct against him.

Senator Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, publicly stated that Kindred’s resignation was “more than appropriate.” She stressed the importance of high standards for judges and expressed her intention to work towards replacing Kindred’s position.

Despite his resignation, the matter remains unresolved. The council has referred the case to the Judicial Conference for consideration of impeachment. Kindred’s appointment was made by former President Trump in 2019, and he was sworn into office in 2020.

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