JD Vance’s Transformation: From Trump Critic to Running Mate

In our current political climate, it’s rare to see someone, especially an elected official, publicly admit they misjudged an issue, took the wrong position, or supported the wrong candidate. JD Vance, the Republican vice presidential nominee, is a prime example of this rare phenomenon. Since being selected, he’s faced a barrage of attacks, mainly stemming from his past criticisms of Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election. Similar to Kamala Harris’s criticisms of Joe Biden during the 2020 Democratic primary, Vance’s remarks were pointed and harsh. However, just as Harris reassessed Biden’s record and came to support him, Vance also reevaluated his stance on Trump. This led him to openly acknowledge his past errors and ultimately become a close confidant to the former president. Much like JD Vance and countless other Americans, I understand the gravity of reassessing one’s stance and admitting when I get it wrong—especially after the assassination attempt on President Trump’s life. In late 2022, I published an op-ed opposing Trump’s 2024 re-election bid. My words were harsh, wrong, unfair, and far too pointed. However, my experience running for and winning local office in South Carolina, and interacting with everyday Americans, has significantly changed my perspective, leading me to once again support President Trump. Engaging with citizens from all walks of life, those struggling to make ends meet despite working multiple jobs, has illuminated the failures of President Biden’s policies. It’s become clear to me that we must unite, as we saw at this week’s Republican National Convention, to save our nation. While critics may denounce Trump’s blunt rhetoric or point to past criticism from individuals like Senator Vance and myself, the reality is this: the Biden administration’s failures have had far more severe consequences for American families than admitting to a few harsh or pointed words ever will. Under President Biden, the economy is faltering. Inflation rates reached a 40-year high in 2022 and remain elevated. Gas prices have skyrocketed, with some states seeing averages as high as $5 per gallon. Interest rates are at a near 20-year high, and grocery prices have skyrocketed, with essentials like meat, poultry, and eggs increasing by over 12% in the past year alone. Concurrently, the crisis at our southern border has reached unprecedented levels. Record numbers of illegal crossings and a surge in drug trafficking have strained resources and exacerbated the opioid crisis. In 2022, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported over 2.3 million migrant encounters, the highest number ever recorded. The influx of illicit drugs, including fentanyl, has contributed to the overdose epidemic, claiming more than 100,000 American lives annually. Internationally, our standing has diminished following Biden’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, which resulted in the deaths of 13 American service members and left many citizens and allies stranded. This debacle epitomizes weak and indecisive leadership, emboldening our adversaries and contributing to global instability. The conflicts in Ukraine and Israel, alongside increased tensions in the Middle East, reflect a perceived lack of American resolve. While Biden may not have directly caused these crises, his failure to address them effectively has exacerbated the situation. Simply put, everyday Americans are struggling to thrive under Biden’s policies. His administration’s economic and foreign policy failures have left families grappling with financial insecurity and heightened anxiety about national and global stability. However, in stark contrast, under former President Trump’s leadership, the U.S. experienced significant economic growth. The unemployment rate pre-pandemic fell to a 50-year low of 3.5% in 2019, and the country achieved energy independence, leading to lower gas prices averaging around $2.40 per gallon. Trump’s firm stance on border security resulted in a 78% decrease in illegal crossings between 2019 and 2020, with drug seizures at the border increasing by 50%. This alleviated the strain on border communities and demonstrated Trump’s commitment to protecting American sovereignty and everyday Americans. Globally, Trump’s administration prioritized diplomacy, culminating in the historic Abraham Accords, which brought peace agreements between Israel and several Arab nations. Support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia also yielded promising results, showcasing a commitment to resolving conflicts through diplomacy and emphasizing peace through strength. Facts are facts and the case is clear: while Democrats continue to debate Biden’s viability after his disastrous debate performance, and as more and more Democrats continue to come forward in opposition to President Biden remaining at the top of the Democratic ticket, everyday Americans continue to suffer under his administration. As we begin the race towards the November general election, and while Biden and the Democratic establishment attempt to shift American’s focus to comments from the past as they try to sort out their ever-divided party, Republicans, with the selection of JD Vance, are more united than ever to save our nation and deliver the much-needed help everyday Americans so desperately want and need. Gavin Smith serves as a councilmember for the town of Lexington, South Carolina. He is a former Trump administration and campaign official.

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