Microwave Bacon in 3 Minutes: Chef’s Secret for Crispy Perfection

Tired of the mess and hassle of frying or air frying bacon? You’re not alone. Many of us yearn for that perfect crispy bacon without the time-consuming cleanup. But what if I told you there’s a way to achieve that coveted crunch in just 3 minutes, using an appliance you wouldn’t expect? Enter the microwave!

Professional chef and culinary instructor Frank Proto from the Epicurious YouTube channel has revealed his secret for microwave-cooked bacon. He claims this method is surprisingly effective, resulting in ‘super crispy’ bacon with minimal cleanup. All you need are a few paper towels and a microwave-safe plate. Intrigued, I decided to give it a try.

Following Frank’s lead, I used streaky bacon rashers for this experiment. First, I layered a few pieces of paper towels on a microwave-safe plate – I used three. Then, I placed the bacon on top of the paper towels, ensuring it was covered completely. Next, I added another layer of paper towels on top to absorb excess fat and help steam the bacon, ensuring faster cooking. You can adjust the amount of paper towels based on their thickness.

As recommended, I microwaved the bacon for four minutes. While it looked fantastic, the result was slightly too crispy for my taste. Undeterred, I repeated the process, this time microwaving for only three minutes. And voilà! The bacon emerged with the perfect level of crispiness, boasting a delicious flavor that rivaled fried bacon. The entire experience was a revelation!

Although this microwave method is fantastic for cooking a small amount of bacon, it might not be the most practical for larger batches as you’re limited by plate space. For those who prefer a more traditional approach, an oven is another great option for cooking bacon without constant monitoring or messy cleanup. Simply lay the bacon on a lined baking tray and cook for 15 minutes at 180°C (355°F). Afterwards, drain the bacon on a paper towel-lined baking tray to soak up excess oil.

So, whether you’re looking for a quick and easy way to cook bacon or a more traditional oven method, there are options available to satisfy your bacon cravings without compromising on flavor or convenience. Experiment and find what works best for you!

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