Israel Calls Up Ultra-Orthodox for Military Service, Fueling Tensions

The Israeli military issued call-up notices to 1,000 members of the ultra-Orthodox community on Sunday, a move intended to bolster the army’s ranks but one that could further exacerbate tensions between religious and secular Israelis. This action follows a Supreme Court decision last month that revoked the defense ministry’s ability to grant blanket exemptions from mandatory military service to Jewish seminary students. This arrangement, which had been in place since Israel’s establishment in 1948, was implemented when the ultra-Orthodox, or Haredi, population was significantly smaller. The new policy shift has encountered strong opposition from the two religious parties within Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, placing significant strain on the right-wing coalition, especially amidst the ongoing war in Gaza. Leaders of the rapidly growing ultra-Orthodox community argue that forcing seminary students to serve alongside secular Israelis, including women, jeopardizes their identity as religious Jews. Some rabbis have even urged members of their community who receive call-up orders to burn them. Despite this resistance, not all Haredi individuals refuse to serve. The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) have established specialized units for the ultra-Orthodox. Several new Haredi recruits who had previously not sought exemptions reported for duty on Sunday, expressing hope for a compromise solution. “If you want to draft Haredis, first learn what you need to do to draft Haredis. Don’t do it forcefully,” said Netsach Cohen, 19, before entering the recruitment base. Others from more devout Haredi communities maintain their unwavering refusal to serve in the military. “Whoever does not understand the value of study cannot understand why Haredis do not want to be recruited,” stated David Mizrahi, a 22-year-old seminary student from Jerusalem. He contends that forcing the issue will only worsen the dispute. Following the initial set of call-ups, additional notices for a total of 3,000 ultra-Orthodox conscripts are expected to be issued in the coming weeks. The government is currently attempting to pass a conscription law that could potentially establish some limited compromise and resolve the issue before it destabilizes the coalition. However, with Israeli troops still engaged in the Gaza conflict, nine months after the Hamas-led attack on Israel on October 7th, and a growing threat of war in Lebanon, the pressure from the military and secular Israelis to distribute the burden of military service has intensified significantly. Israeli law mandates that all citizens serve in the military from the age of 18 for a period of 24-32 months. Members of Israel’s 21-percent Arab minority are largely exempt, although some do choose to serve.

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