Declutter Your Home in 3 Easy Steps: TikToker Shares Simple Tips

Feeling overwhelmed by clutter in your home? It’s easy to get bogged down by books you’ll never read, forgotten notebooks, or those random souvenirs you picked up on holiday. But, letting go of these items can be difficult, especially if they hold sentimental value.

Thankfully, TikTok user @home_reimagined has shared three simple steps to declutter your home. It all starts with a little motivation and planning.

The 3-Step Decluttering Challenge:


Designated Donation Box:

Place an empty box in a common area like the hallway. Whenever you come across something you no longer love or find overwhelming, drop it in the box. Once it’s full, take it to your local donation center.


Closet Trash Bag:

Always keep a trash bag in your closet. Whenever you try on a piece of clothing that no longer fits or you don’t like, toss it in the bag. This way, you can keep up with removing old items without feeling overwhelmed by a large task later on.


Close-Out Routine:

At the end of each day, create a 20-minute close-out routine to reset your home for the next day. This could include picking up items and putting them away, tidying your space, loading the dishwasher, wiping counters, or any other tasks. Returning your home to a state of peace at the end of the day will help you start the next day feeling refreshed and positive.

Remember, decluttering is an ongoing process. You can’t do it once and be done. By keeping up with these small steps, you can create a clutter-free and serene home.

In the comments, people expressed how helpful these tips were, with many noting that they felt overwhelmed by too much stuff. One person even shared a rule: “If I haven’t touched it in 3-4 years, it’s gone, no questions asked.”

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