Herbal Tea: The Post-Dinner Ritual for a Healthier You

When it comes to staying fit, nutritionists often suggest having herbal tea after dinner. The brews are known to aid digestion, promote relaxation, and can also help avoid late-night snacking. Plus, with flavors like jasmine, peppermint, butterfly pea flower and more, you can almost think of the drink as a post-meal time dessert that not only tastes good but also soothes the stomach and mind. “After dinner, our mouths might want a change of flavor or something sweet to end the meal—herbal teas are a great way to provide that finishing touch,” says psychonutritionist Itziar Digón. Herbal tea can help avoid extra calories by satisfying the mouth’s craving for more food. “Infusions can aid fitness goals by preventing unnecessary eating,” says psychonutritionist Itziar Digón.

Laura Parada, nutritionist at Slow Life House, adds, “Herbal teas improve digestion and satisfy the desire for something more after a meal, offering digestive benefits without extra calories.” Parada highlights additional benefits of post-dinner herbal teas: “They aid digestion, ensure proper hydration, promote rest, and help us relax. They’re also a great alternative to water between meals if you’re looking for something different.” Founder of Six Harmonies Spa and wellness expert Elodie Doral shares that one of her top tips is to drink nightly infusions which help her relax after a long day. Digón adds that enjoying this type of concoction, especially after dinner—whether hot or cold—has a calming effect that can be an important self-care ritual to promote sleep and relaxation, sending a positive message to the brain.

Pharmacist and nutritionist Paula Martín Clares shares a valuable tip: always keep turmeric and ginger powder in your pantry. “I like to add a small teaspoon of either to infusions to enhance their effects,” she says. The key, according to Parada, is to choose infusions that are free from caffeine, theine, or other stimulants, as these can disrupt sleep. She advises against diuretics that might make you wake up during the night and recommends steering clear of adding sugar. To make it simple, below is a list of concoctions that can help promote overall health.

Mint Tea:

Known for their digestive benefits, these teas can soothe the stomach and aid in the digestion of your evening meal, making them perfect for post-dinner relaxation.

Chamomile Tea:

These promote feelings of relaxation and calm, helping to ease anxiety and tension, and prepare your body for a restful night’s sleep.

Ginger Tea:

With its anti-inflammatory and vasodilator properties, it aids digestion and helps prevent heartburn, whether you’ve had a light or heavy meal. It can also alleviate nausea and improve overall gut health.

Rooibos Tea:

Favoured for its anti-inflammatory effects, it is relaxing and may help prevent skin ageing. Additionally, it can reduce bloating and improve digestion, making it a great choice after meals.

Turmeric Tea:

Provides anti-inflammatory benefits, aids digestion, and enhances blood circulation. This combination can also boost your immune system and has a warming effect that can be very comforting.

Lemon Balm Tea:

Supports digestion, promotes relaxation, and improves sleep quality. It is a calming infusion that can also soothe minor digestive issues like indigestion and gas, making it a versatile and beneficial option.

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