South Pasadena Police Department Goes All-Electric, Leading the Nation in Sustainable Law Enforcement

The South Pasadena Police Department has made history by becoming the first law enforcement agency in the nation to completely replace its gasoline-powered vehicles with electric vehicles. The city’s zero-emission police fleet consists of 20 new Tesla vehicles, powered by a bank of electric vehicle chargers installed at South Pasadena City Hall.

This transition signifies the city’s commitment to a sustainable future, driven by sound fiscal management and environmental stewardship. The city council is fully supportive of this move, aiming to create a 21st-century police force that is safe, clean, and cost-effective. This project has been a collaborative effort, with regional and corporate partners playing a significant role.

Regional air quality officials have applauded the switch, emphasizing the importance of adopting emission-free vehicles to improve air quality and protect the environment. This initiative has been spearheaded by South Pasadena Councilmember and South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Vice Chair Michael Cacciotti, who has been a key champion of the effort for over a decade.

The Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) has partnered with the City of South Pasadena, providing nearly $500,000 in Clean Transportation Funding to support this clean air project. This transition signifies a new paradigm for police organizations, which have traditionally been hesitant to adopt electric vehicles due to concerns about range, charging limitations, and the perceived novelty of the technology.

However, the South Pasadena Police Department has dispelled these concerns. Switching to electric vehicles offers several advantages, including acquiring a cutting-edge fleet, reducing fuel and maintenance costs, and minimizing downtime associated with traditional gas engines. The transition is expected to save approximately $4,000 per vehicle annually on energy costs, along with additional savings on maintenance. Overall, the operational cost of electric vehicles is projected to be at least half the per-mile cost of gasoline-powered vehicles.

Enterprise Fleet Management played a vital role in assisting the city in acquiring 10 Tesla Model Ys for patrol vehicles and 10 Tesla Model 3s for detective and administrative duties. The vehicles have been upfitted for police use, ensuring optimal safety with 5-star safety ratings, surpassing any gas vehicle available for policing.

The new fleet has also received a visual makeover, with sleek and modern graphics designed by AnyoneTM Collective, reflecting its cutting-edge capabilities. Beyond the vehicles themselves, the project recognized the importance of robust charging infrastructure.

Southern California Edison has played a crucial role in building 34 chargers at South Pasadena City Hall, upgrading its local distribution system to support the higher power demands of the electric vehicles. The city’s decision to switch to electric vehicles is driven by a commitment to public health and environmental protection. The electric police fleet will significantly reduce toxic smog-forming emissions and carbon dioxide, a major contributor to global heating.

Furthermore, the project includes a renewable solar and battery energy storage system, funded by Clean Power Alliance’s Power Ready Program. This system ensures continuity of operations for essential services during power outages, providing a critical safety net.

The success of this project is a testament to the power of collaboration, with partners sharing the financial burden and expertise. This includes the MSRC’s Clean Transportation Funding, Southern California Edison’s Charge Ready program, and Clean Power Alliance’s Power Ready Program. The city’s net expense for the project is $1.85 million, covering the cost of EV chargers and lease payments.

To effectively manage the electric police fleet, the city has partnered with Standard Fleet, which offers advanced software for charging, maintenance, and dispatching of the customized Tesla vehicles. The South Pasadena Police Department’s transition to an electric vehicle fleet sets a precedent for law enforcement agencies across the nation, demonstrating the feasibility and benefits of embracing sustainable practices while enhancing public safety. This innovative project showcases a commitment to a cleaner, healthier future and serves as an inspiration for other municipalities seeking to adopt sustainable transportation solutions.

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