Aashka Goradia, a well-known television actress who graced numerous Hindi soap operas, is an embodiment of courage and ambition. After a successful acting career spanning from 2002 to 2019, she embarked on a new path, leaving the world of entertainment to become an entrepreneur. In 2020, she co-founded Renee Cosmetics with her college friends, Ashutosh Valani and Priyank Shah. Together, they have created a thriving beauty brand, offering a diverse range of products.
Their journey has been marked by remarkable success. Within just two years of its establishment, Renee Cosmetics achieved a valuation of $100 million. The company’s co-founder, Priyank Shah, has revealed their ambitious target of generating Rs 400 crore revenue in FY 2024. While Valani and Shah handle the financial aspects, operations, and distribution, Goradia, as Director and CMO, oversees product development, marketing, and communications.
Renee Cosmetics is headquartered in Ahmedabad and has raised $25 million in funding. The company boasts a portfolio of 200 products and enjoys a strong online presence on platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, Nykaa, and Myntra. Additionally, its products are available in over 650 physical stores across the country.
Driven by its soaring revenue and expanding reach, Renee Cosmetics is emerging as a formidable competitor to giants like Falguni Nayar’s Nykaa and Vineeta Singh’s Sugar. Aashka Goradia’s inspiring entrepreneurial journey showcases her unwavering determination and commitment to building a successful business from scratch. Her success story is an encouragement for aspiring entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams with resilience and passion.