A devastating series of landslides triggered by heavy rains in Wayanad, Kerala, has claimed the lives of over 200 people. The tragedy has prompted calls for immediate action and support from political leaders.
Congress leader Shashi Tharoor urged Home Minister Amit Shah to classify the incident as a ‘calamity of severe nature’ under the Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) guidelines. This designation would allow for the allocation of additional resources for relief and rehabilitation efforts.
Meanwhile, former Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi, accompanied by his sister Priyanka Gandhi, visited the accident site in Chooralmala on Thursday afternoon. They expressed their condolences to the families affected by the tragedy and surveyed the damage caused by the landslides.
The incident has highlighted the vulnerability of the region to natural disasters, emphasizing the need for improved disaster preparedness and mitigation measures.