Renewable America Achieves Milestones for Solar Projects in California

Renewable America (RNA), a leading provider of distributed energy resources, has achieved key milestones for its West Tambo Clean Power II (WEST-II) and Dos Palos Clean Power (DOSP) solar projects in California. These projects are poised to significantly advance carbon reduction targets in designated low-income and disadvantaged communities.

WEST-II, a 2.93 MWdc development located in Livingston, CA, will generate enough clean energy to power 800 homes annually, preventing 48,000 tons of CO2 emissions. It is projected to achieve commercial operation in early August 2024. Similarly, DOSP, a 4.29 MWdc project in Dos Palos CA, will generate enough clean energy to power 1,200 homes annually, saving 74,000 tons of CO2 emissions. San Jose Clean Energy will purchase the power generated by WEST-II, supplying energy to the San Jose community, while Peninsula Clean Energy will purchase the power produced by DOSP for Los Banos residents.

The projects have been awarded an additional 20% Investment Tax Credits (ITCs) through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program under its Qualified Low-Income Economic Benefit Project category. Both sites are officially designated as disadvantaged communities by the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA). This designation applies to communities within the top 25 percent of census tracts identified by CalEnviroScreen statewide, as well as 22 census tracts in the highest 5 percent of CalEnviroScreen’s Pollution Burden.

“Climate change mitigation and energy resilience in local communities are core components of RNA’s mission,” says Ardeshir Arian, President & CEO of Renewable America. “These developments are contributing to California’s renewable energy targets while making a difference in the lives of San Jose and Los Banos residents, and we’re thrilled to see the projects’ progress.”

Renewable America handles all aspects of project development with internal resources, including parcel scouting, lease negotiations, engineering, permitting, design, and origination. Its subsidiary, RNA Services, LLC, serves as the EPC and O&M partner for both WEST-II and DOSP.

“Distributed solar generation allows local communities to produce their own energy, preventing over-dependence on centralized power sources,” says Arian. “In addition to the benefits of cleaner energy sources, San Jose and Los Banos will have greater energy independence and autonomy.”

Renewable America is a leading provider of distributed energy resources, serving communities with small utility-scale, locally generated solar plus storage facilities and community microgrids that work in conjunction with the distribution grid. With over 15 years of experience in development, engineering, procurement and construction throughout Europe and North America, Renewable America creates resilience within communities by delivering local power to local load. The company’s end-to-end development process maximizes quality and efficiency, while minimizing lasting environmental impact on site. Based in Santa Clara, Renewable America has over 320 megawatts MW of solar and 680 MWh of energy storage projects under development throughout California.

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