Chennai’s Children’s Park Sees Record-Breaking Visitors After Renovation

Chennai’s Children’s Park in Guindy has witnessed an unprecedented influx of visitors over the weekend, exceeding the number of people who visit the park even during the popular Kaanum Pongal festival. The park, recently renovated, attracted more than 21,000 visitors, a figure surpassing the usual 8,000 mark seen on Kaanum Pongal Day. The park’s popularity has surged following the renovation, which has led to an increase in entry fees. Adults now pay ₹60, compared to ₹20 earlier, while children pay ₹10 instead of ₹5. Entry is free for children under five years old. This new pricing structure has brought in a hefty ₹9.5 lakh in ticket sales over the last two days.

Despite the popularity, the park has faced some challenges due to the overwhelming number of visitors. Parking spaces became a major concern on Saturday as the crowds swelled, leading to visitor complaints. Park authorities responded by deploying more personnel to manage the parking situation by evening, which resolved the issue. Another complaint centered around the insufficient number of food stalls to cater to the large crowd. The park features two cafeterias, one inside and one outside, but they remain closed due to issues surrounding the profit-sharing model. To provide some respite, officials arranged for the sale of tea, coffee, snacks, and bottled water for visitors.

The park’s success is a testament to the positive impact of the renovation, but it also highlights the need for further improvements to manage the growing number of visitors. As the park continues to attract more people, addressing the parking and food stall issues will be crucial for maintaining a positive visitor experience.

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