Trump Praises Musk for Anti-Union Stance, Endorses Tesla’s Electric Vehicles

During a three-hour long Spaces event featuring billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, former President Donald Trump lauded Musk for his approach to unionization efforts, referring to him as “the greatest cutter.” Trump pointed to a past instance where Tesla terminated employees who were reportedly attempting to unionize at its Buffalo, New York facility, stating, “You walk in, you just say: ‘You want to quit?’ They go on strike… And you say, ‘That’s OK, you’re all gone. You’re all gone.”

The event, which drew nearly 17 million viewers, also saw Trump express admiration for Tesla and its electric vehicles, stating, “You do make a great product. Your product is incredible.” However, he added that “that doesn’t mean everyone should have an electric vehicle.”

Trump’s comments come against a backdrop of ongoing discussions regarding government subsidies for electric vehicles. Earlier this year, Trump advocated for the elimination of such subsidies, a move that Musk has stated would have minimal impact on Tesla but could be detrimental to its competitors.

The event also touched on potential regulatory changes under a Trump presidency. Musk previously revealed that he discussed the idea of a “government deficiency commission” with Trump, hinting at the removal of regulations hindering development projects.

This public display of support for Musk by Trump follows Musk’s endorsement of the former president in July. The recent event highlights the ongoing political and economic dynamics surrounding electric vehicles and their impact on both companies and the broader automotive industry.

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