South Moravia Remains a Top Czech Destination in Q2 2024

South Moravia solidified its position as a top travel destination in the Czech Republic during the second quarter of 2024. The region welcomed a significant 589,000 visitors, resulting in over 1 million overnight stays. This impressive figure demonstrates the enduring appeal of South Moravia, even amidst growing competition from other regions within the country.

According to data released by the Czech Statistical Office, the visitor count for Q2 2024 remained consistent with the figures from the same period in 2023. Notably, there was an increase in international tourism, with 203,000 foreign visitors opting for overnight stays in the region. However, the number of Czech residents choosing to stay overnight in South Moravia experienced a slight decline.

Despite the allure of events like the World Hockey Championships held in Ostrava and Prague during May, South Moravia managed to maintain its position as the second most popular destination in the Czech Republic, trailing only the capital city.

Martina Grůzová, director of the South Moravian Tourism Centre, shed light on these latest statistics. She also discussed the department’s ongoing efforts to attract new visitors to the region, showcasing the region’s diverse offerings and continued commitment to providing unforgettable travel experiences.

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