iPhone 16: What Features Do Buyers Want Most?

With the highly anticipated release of the iPhone 16 just around the corner, SellCell conducted a survey of over 2,000 potential buyers to uncover the features they most desire in this new flagship device. The results, unsurprisingly, reveal that affordability reigns supreme, with 30.9% of respondents prioritizing a reasonable price point. Interestingly, while the iPhone has seen a gradual price increase over the years, it hasn’t drastically become more expensive compared to its original 2007 launch price of $499. Adjusting for inflation, that’s equivalent to roughly $750 in 2024, while the latest iPhone models start at $799.

Following affordability, a strong 26.8% of respondents expressed a desire for enhanced thermal performance. The tendency for iPhones to overheat, particularly when charging in direct sunlight, has been a recurring issue, especially during hot summer months. With the growing popularity of mobile gaming on iPhones, maintaining a cool device even during intensive gameplay is becoming increasingly crucial.

Other highly sought-after features include advanced AI capabilities (21.9%) and a faster A-series chip (21.5%). Samsung, Google, and other tech giants have already incorporated various AI features into their devices, and the latest Snapdragon chip offers the potential to bring AI functionalities to less expensive smartphones.

One of the more controversial requests, garnering 19.3% of votes, was for a larger screen size. Respondents expressed a strong preference for 6.3-inch and 6.9-inch display options, highlighting the importance of screen size in purchase decisions. Furthermore, the survey revealed a significant desire (19%) for a dedicated action button, similar to those found on Android devices and the iPhone 15 Pro models. Rumours of a capture button being incorporated into all iPhone 16 models this year have sparked excitement among those who value this feature.

While Wi-Fi 7 compatibility ranked lower in the list of priorities, with only 15.6% of respondents considering it a major deciding factor, it nevertheless indicates a growing demand for enhanced connectivity.

Despite the varied desires for specific features, an overwhelming majority (61.9%) of survey participants expressed their intention to upgrade to the iPhone 16 upon its potential release in September. For the 38% who plan to hold off on an upgrade, cost remains the primary deterring factor.

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