Ramaswamy Discusses RFK Jr.’s Potential Role in Trump Administration, Eyes Ohio Senate Seat

Former GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy has offered his take on the potential for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to join a Trump administration if he were to drop out of the 2024 presidential race. Ramaswamy, who has been vocal about his own political ambitions, suggested that Kennedy could play a significant role in shaping pandemic policies, particularly in rectifying what he sees as past mistakes.

Ramaswamy’s comments come in response to former President Trump’s statement that he would consider RFK Jr. for an administration role if the third-party candidate were to withdraw his candidacy and endorse Trump for re-election. While Ramaswamy declined to delve into specifics, he highlighted Kennedy’s stance against vaccine mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting that his insights could be valuable in addressing issues related to pandemic policies. He particularly pointed to the impact of vaccine mandates on military service members, arguing that the potential adverse effects of vaccines might have been underreported or suppressed.

Ramaswamy’s assessment of Kennedy’s potential role comes as reports suggest that Kennedy is considering dropping out of the race and endorsing Trump. Kennedy himself has stated that he will address the nation on Friday regarding his future plans.

Meanwhile, Ramaswamy has also revealed his own political aspirations. He indicated that he is considering a run for Ohio governor or a seat in the U.S. Senate, depending on the outcome of the 2024 election. His potential candidacy for Senate is tied to the prospect of Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, becoming Trump’s running mate, which would leave a vacancy in the Senate. Ramaswamy’s considerations for a gubernatorial run stem from support he’s receiving at the local level.

Ramaswamy’s political maneuverings highlight the dynamic nature of the 2024 presidential race, where potential alliances and shifting political landscapes are constantly in play. It remains to be seen how the unfolding events will impact the race and the future of both Ramaswamy and Kennedy within the political arena.

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