Finance Director Shares His Salary Secrets: From £15,000 to £90,000 in 8 Years

Joel Matthews, a finance director, has gone from earning a modest £15,000 to an impressive £90,000 per year in just eight years. Starting his career at 20 with no formal qualifications, he climbed the corporate ladder, turning his life from living in his parents’ loft to a resounding success story. Now 28, Joel, from Cornwall, shares his knowledge on TikTok, hoping to demystify the journey to a higher salary.

He believes that society often has a distorted view of what constitutes a great salary. He started sharing his own journey online to offer a more realistic perspective, especially as he noticed many unrealistic narratives online warping people’s perceptions. While average salaries can be easily found online, it’s often difficult to determine the timeframe for reaching those figures, he points out.

Joel is adamant about his three-step strategy for salary growth, encouraging others to follow his advice if they want to see their paychecks increase. His first tip is to initiate an open conversation with your boss or manager about salary expectations, but avoid making it a simple demand. He emphasizes that while the worst-case scenario is being told no, approaching the conversation as a request for more money is not the most effective way. Instead, he suggests asking for actionable steps you can take to increase your salary.

After implementing any recommended advice, Joel suggests reporting back to your boss and showcasing your progress. This demonstrates your commitment to growth and allows you to confidently say, “I’ve done these things, now I’m ready for the next level.” He reminds us that progression isn’t solely about the amount you’re earning but also about your professional development and contributions within the workplace.

Joel is not resting on his laurels. He’s aiming for a yearly income of at least £150,000 and believes that talking to colleagues about salary expectations is crucial for understanding your position within the company’s pay scale. He argues that discussing wages shouldn’t be taboo and can offer valuable insights. He encourages open communication, stating that fear of comparison shouldn’t prevent conversations about salary. He emphasizes that everyone is on a different journey, and these conversations can offer valuable insights into how to achieve your desired salary level.

Joel believes that money should be as open a topic as any other aspect of life, even with friends and family. He encourages open and honest conversations about finances, emphasizing that it’s the only way to learn about your situation and how to improve it. He draws a parallel with seeking recommendations for services, stating that if you need a plumber, you’ll likely ask for recommendations and discuss the costs involved. He believes that this openness should be extended to salaries as well, acknowledging the potential for both positive and negative feelings when comparing, but ultimately advocating for open conversations as a path to progress.

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