High School Students Launch ‘Wonder Wells’ Initiative to Bring Clean Water to Africa

Lola Rhodes and Arabella Gutchess, two high school students from Miami, are making a difference in the world with their innovative initiative, ‘Wonder Wells.’ Inspired by a life-changing trip to Africa, they founded Wonder Wells with a mission to provide clean water access to communities in need. Their journey began during a middle school trip to Africa, where they witnessed firsthand the struggles faced by communities without access to clean water. They saw women and girls trekking long distances for unsafe water, often sacrificing their education and economic opportunities. This experience ignited a passion within them to make a tangible difference.

Partnering with The Water Project, Rhodes and Gutchess embarked on their first fundraising project, building a sand dam water well in the Kithalani Community in Kenya. Their hard work and determination led to the completion of the well by the end of 2023, transforming the lives of the community by providing reliable access to safe water year-round. In June 2024, Rhodes and Gutchess visited Kithalani to witness the impact of their project firsthand. They were warmly welcomed and saw the positive changes brought by their initiative. The stories shared by the community resonated deeply, emphasizing the profound difference the well made.

Inspired by their success, Rhodes and Gutchess are expanding Wonder Wells to include teams from other high schools who are eager to build clean water wells in Africa. They are actively seeking volunteers to join their cause and have already supported a new student-led project to build a well in the Ikuyuni village in Kenya.

Wonder Wells provides comprehensive support to students interested in participating, guiding them through every step of the process. They assist students in understanding the impact of clean water, identifying villages in need, setting up fundraising pages, connecting with construction partners, and providing direct contact with the community so they can witness the tangible impact of their work.

Anyone interested in supporting Wonder Wells can reach out via email at [email protected] for guidance and support. To learn more about their journey and the transformative impact of Wonder Wells, visit their website at https://www.wonderwells.org. You can also watch a video showcasing their initiative and the lives they have touched at this link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/z7uu48r7qsut892izp69g/Wonder-Wells-Video.mp4?rlkey=vb602k1vy71ri55ek5fjt8qhy&dl=0.

Wonder Wells is a testament to the power of young people to make a real difference in the world. They are empowering communities, fostering education, and inspiring future generations to engage in global change. Their initiative is a beacon of hope, bringing clean water and a brighter future to those in need.

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