New Moon in Virgo and Its Connection to Disaster Prevention: A 12 Zodiac Sign Guide

September is a month filled with various events, including the moon viewing festival, the Autumn Equinox, Respect for the Aged Day, and Silver Week. However, amidst these celebrations, it’s crucial to remember September 1st, ‘Disaster Prevention Day’. This day is marked by disaster drills in schools and beyond. Many may wonder about the connection between ‘Disaster Prevention Month’ and the New Moon. The answer lies in a fascinating intersection of celestial events and human preparedness.

The designation of September as ‘Disaster Prevention Month’ stems from the devastating Great Kanto Earthquake that struck Japan on September 1st, 1923. September is also a season prone to typhoons, making it a suitable time to focus on disaster preparedness. In 1983, the period from August 30th to September 5th, encompassing ‘Disaster Prevention Day’, was officially recognized as ‘Disaster Prevention Week’, further emphasizing the importance of this month. The New Moon in 2024 falls within this period, specifically on September 3rd at 10:56 am in the Virgo zodiac sign.

Virgo, among the 12 zodiac signs, stands out for its exceptional crisis management skills. Notably known for its governance of health management, Virgo provides insights into maintaining a safe and secure environment. The coincidence of the Virgo New Moon falling within Disaster Prevention Week can be interpreted as a powerful message, urging us to prioritize preparedness.

The Lunar Connection to Earthquakes

Historically, myths have circulated about the potential influence of the New Moon and Full Moon’s gravitational pull on earthquakes and volcanic activity. While these claims were previously dismissed as mere superstition, the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention in Japan released a study in 2010 that revealed a significant correlation. According to the study, the gravitational pull of the moon and sun, especially during the New Moon and Full Moon phases when they are aligned, could potentially trigger earthquakes. During these phases, the Earth’s crust experiences a substantial increase in pressure, reaching hundreds of pascals. This pressure could potentially contribute to tectonic shifts and trigger seismic activity.

Further research in 2016 by a team at the University of Tokyo solidified this connection. Their study demonstrated that the maximum gravitational pull during the New Moon and Full Moon phases could indeed increase the likelihood of major earthquakes. The research pointed out that significant earthquakes, such as the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, the 2010 Chilean earthquake, and the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, all occurred close to the New Moon or Full Moon phases.

These studies highlight the undeniable influence of the Sun and Moon’s gravitational force on the Earth’s crust, emphasizing the need for continuous preparedness, especially during these lunar phases.

Virgo’s Analytical Prowess

With the September New Moon falling in Virgo, it’s time to harness the analytical capabilities of this earth sign. Virgo excels at meticulous data analysis, going beyond superficial assessments. This sign delves deep into information, uncovering potential risks and suggesting preventative measures. Virgo is, without a doubt, the most analytical sign, providing invaluable insights into mitigating potential disasters.

The message of this Virgo New Moon is clear: ‘Prepare for the unforeseen.’ It reminds us that preparedness is the key to peace of mind. This September, let’s embrace the wisdom of Virgo and enhance our disaster preparedness.

12 Zodiac Signs: Your Disaster Preparedness Guide


The New Moon advises Aries to keep essential first aid supplies readily available, including bandages, disinfectants, and any necessary medications. While Aries, known for their quick reflexes, may be less likely to be caught off guard, their impulsive nature could lead to injuries. Having a first aid kit at hand will ensure prompt treatment. Consider taking a first aid course for added preparedness.


Equip yourself with disaster gear like tents and outdoor essentials. Taurus thrives on practical experiences, and simulating a disaster scenario through a mock camping trip will strengthen their resilience. This hands-on approach will build confidence and enable them to act efficiently during an actual emergency.


Ensure your home is safe and secure. Implement measures to prevent furniture from toppling over, secure cabinets to prevent items from falling, and avoid storing breakable or heavy items in high places. Clear any obstructions from doorways and escape routes. This proactive approach will enable Gemini’s quick thinking and agility to navigate a crisis effectively.


Prioritize access to reliable information. Invest in a battery-powered radio and gather information from trusted sources like government agencies or public institutions. Cancer’s sensitivity to misinformation makes it crucial to develop strategies for obtaining accurate news. The New Moon emphasizes the importance of staying informed during emergencies.


Secure a sufficient cash reserve. Remember that electronic payment systems may become unavailable in the aftermath of a disaster. Having cash on hand will offer peace of mind and provide essential resources. Leos, known for their generosity, might overlook this critical step, so the New Moon advises carrying smaller denominations like coins for greater flexibility.


Ensure your emergency kit is fully stocked and organized. Virgos are masters at efficiently utilizing resources, and their emergency preparedness kit will be a testament to their meticulous nature. They will instinctively pack the essentials, enabling them to overcome any crisis with ease.


Familiarize yourself with evacuation routes. Explore the safest routes from your home, workplace, and regular commute areas. Libras’ ability to plan and maintain order will shine during an emergency, enabling them to navigate challenging situations effectively. The New Moon recommends checking designated evacuation points as well.


Establish communication protocols with loved ones. Determine a meeting point in case of separation and discuss alternative communication methods. Scorpios, known for their deep emotional connections, prioritize the safety of their loved ones. Having a clear plan will alleviate their anxieties and ensure they can act decisively during a crisis.


Participate in community disaster preparedness activities. Sagittarians excel at applying knowledge and adapting to different situations. Engaging in local disaster drills will equip them with valuable skills and insights. The New Moon suggests mastering the operation of essential tools like fire extinguishers for added preparedness.


Take charge and lead by example. Offer reassurance to others, provide clear instructions, and maintain a calm demeanor. Capricorns are known for their composure and leadership skills. In times of chaos, they will naturally step up, directing people towards safety and order. The New Moon suggests carrying a whistle to gather attention and ensure efficient coordination.


Stockpile water supplies. Water is an essential resource during emergencies, used for drinking, hygiene, and food preparation. Aquarians, often drawn to natural elements, will prioritize the importance of water. The New Moon advises keeping a consistent water reserve in the home for greater security.


Keep essential items within reach while sleeping. This includes glasses, phone, shoes, and a flashlight. Pisces possess heightened intuition, often feeling the tremors of an earthquake beforehand. However, the New Moon emphasizes the need for immediate action. Preparing for these needs in advance ensures a swift and safe evacuation, avoiding delays while searching for essential items in the dark.

This New Moon in Virgo serves as a powerful reminder to strengthen our individual and collective disaster preparedness. By incorporating the astrological insights tailored to each zodiac sign, we can create a more secure and resilient environment for ourselves and our communities.

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