Yuya Yagira: A Conversation with the Acclaimed Japanese Actor

In a candid conversation, Yuya Yagira, the acclaimed Japanese actor, delves into his journey in the world of acting. From his early days as a child star to his current projects, Yagira reflects on the roles that have shaped his career and the challenges he has faced along the way.

When asked about the most challenging role of his career, Yagira mentions his portrayal of Natsume Arata in “Natsume Arata’s Marriage.” He reveals that while the film is based on a manga, he actually read the original work after receiving the offer. This approach, he explains, is not uncommon for him, as he often chooses to read the source material after accepting a role. He found the script’s use of monologues to be particularly interesting, as they allowed him to explore the character’s inner thoughts and motivations.

Yagira further elaborates on his interpretation of Natsume Arata, describing him as a simple, kind-hearted individual who wants to help others. Although his character initially appears rebellious, Yagira emphasizes that Arata possesses a strong desire to improve himself and be someone others can rely on.

One of the most memorable scenes for Yagira was a pivotal interaction between Arata and Shinjuku Maju, played by Kurojima Yuna. He found the scene where the two characters meet in person, rather than through the confines of a prison meeting room, to be particularly impactful. He believes that the scene’s raw and unrestrained nature perfectly captures the essence of the film.

Yagira reveals that his decision to take on the role stemmed from his desire to work with director Tsukihiko堤, whom he hadn’t collaborated with since he was 16. He also expressed his excitement at the prospect of reuniting with fellow actors like Kurojima and Nakagawa Taishi.

When questioned about his preference for horror and suspense genres, Yagira confesses his aversion to horror films. He attributes this dislike to his fear of the genre and his inability to enjoy it despite his professional involvement in acting.

In terms of love stories, he prefers watching them rather than acting in them.

Yagira shares his belief that choosing roles that he can fully immerse himself in is paramount to him. He also discusses his unique approach to memorizing lines, which involves reciting them while driving, inspired by his experience watching the film “Drive My Car.” He reveals that he previously relied on writing out his lines repeatedly, a method he now considers inefficient and overly laborious.

Speaking on his personal life, Yagira emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, whether through hobbies, family life, or other avenues. He sees personal growth as an ongoing process and doesn’t believe in resting on his laurels.

Currently, Yagira is passionate about learning English, recognizing its increasing importance in today’s world. He utilizes podcasts and AI-powered apps to enhance his language skills.

He expresses his admiration for those who possess a thirst for knowledge, attributing his own diverse set of skills, including tap dancing, sailing, and piano playing, to his inherent desire to learn and emulate those he admires. He jokingly admits that while he’s committed to practicing the trumpet, his progress has been rather slow.

He fondly recalls his experiences sailing after obtaining his boat license, revealing that he has taken to the water on several occasions.

Yagira reveals a unique way he keeps himself motivated – a personal mantra associated with his birthday. He shares that he whispers “Great!” whenever he encounters the number 326, a superstitious practice that he finds surprisingly effective.

He confesses to being deeply moved by the Korean drama “Crash Landing on You,” which elicited tears from him.

Yagira attributes his mental well-being to regular exercise.

He expresses a general skepticism towards astrology and the supernatural but admits to enjoying reading horoscopes that offer positive commentary.

He doesn’t have any specific items that he brings with him to film sets apart from his phone and wallet. He also doesn’t have any particular objects that he deems indispensable to his daily life.

However, he does have a strong preference for eel as his favorite food. He claims not to have any food dislikes.

He considers the morning hours to be his most productive time of day, utilizing them for activities like studying English. He describes himself as a morning person, and admits to thinking about work frequently throughout the day.

Given the opportunity to travel freely for a week, Yagira chooses Africa as his destination, driven by his love for hip-hop and jazz music and the recent surge in cultural influence from the continent.

He expresses his fervent passion for high school soccer, attending at least two games annually. While he doesn’t have a specific team he supports, he enjoys the raw talent and enthusiasm exhibited by young athletes.

He finds solace in the simple joys of life, such as relaxing at home, watching YouTube, and enjoying a drink, especially when he’s not working.

Yagira aspires to improve his language skills, particularly his English proficiency, which he views as a valuable asset. He cites Jean-Paul Belmondo, the renowned French actor, as someone he admires.

Reflecting on his personality, Yagira believes that his desire to achieve recognition for his acting has remained consistent since his childhood. While he doesn’t solely pursue awards for the sake of accolades, he aims to prove that his early success wasn’t merely a fluke.

He considers “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu to be his all-time favorite book, highlighting the importance of self-awareness and understanding one’s opponent to achieve victory.

He prefers extreme cold over extreme heat.

Yagira recently purchased a belt from the brand The Row, a gift recommended by a stylist who knew of his love for jazz music. He is quite fond of his new accessory.

He believes that the feeling of regret can be a powerful motivator, encouraging individuals to strive for improvement and strive to prove their worth.

If given the chance to swap lives for a day, Yagira chooses Léa Seydoux, simply because he’s a fan of hers and wants to meet her.

He prefers urban life to rural life.

He enjoys washing dishes but dislikes laundry. He enjoys tending to his plants, regularly watering them.

Yagira attributes his ability to overcome adversity to a sense of regret, which fuels his determination. He doesn’t consider himself to be an easily angered person.

He finds joy in seeing his work featured on Wikipedia.

His earliest memory is from first grade, where his teacher used a typewriter.

While he hasn’t played such a role yet, he would love to appear in the “Star Wars” franchise.

Yagira defines a good actor as someone who can convey the richness of life through their work. He strives to embody this ideal in his own acting career.

Finally, Yagira invites viewers to enjoy the unique and unconventional elements of “Natsume Arata’s Marriage,” particularly the unexpected consequences of proposing to a death row inmate and the film’s blend of fantasy and reality.

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