Trump Campaign Advisor Defends Trump’s Abortion Stance, Says Pro-Life Voters Who Stay Home Endorse Harris’s ‘Radical’ Position

Trump campaign advisor Corey Lewandowski has defended former President Trump’s stance on abortion, arguing that pro-life voters who choose not to vote due to dissatisfaction with Trump’s position are tacitly endorsing Kamala Harris’s ‘radical’ position on abortion.

During an appearance on ‘Fox News Sunday,’ Lewandowski, a 2016 Trump campaign advisor who recently joined the 2024 re-election team, was responding to comments made by pro-life activist Lila Rose. Rose, who runs Live Action, had criticized Trump’s recent shift toward the center on abortion, suggesting it could alienate his base and potentially cost him the election.

Lewandowski countered Rose’s argument by stating that pro-life voters who choose to stay home from the polls are effectively supporting Harris, who he described as having a ‘radical’ position on abortion. He further explained that Trump’s approach allows for states to determine their own abortion laws, aligning with the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade, which he asserted was a direct result of Trump’s appointment of conservative justices to the Supreme Court.

Lewandowski emphasized that Trump believes in the power of states’ rights and allowing individuals to decide on these matters at the local level. He argued that the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was made by the Supreme Court, which now allows individual states to implement their own abortion laws. He maintained that Trump’s position reflects the will of the American people, who support the decision to return abortion regulation to the states.

It is important to note that Trump has taken a more nuanced stance on abortion in recent months. While he has pledged to support universal access to IVF treatment, he has also expressed opposition to using the federal government to ban the delivery of abortion medication by mail. Trump’s running mate, Sen. JD Vance, has stated that Trump would veto any national abortion ban if it were to reach his desk.

The debate over abortion rights is a complex and highly charged issue in American politics. Both Trump and Harris have staked out clear positions on the matter, and their contrasting approaches will undoubtedly be a major focus of the 2024 presidential election.

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