Botswana’s Ruling Party Launches Manifesto Ahead of General Election

The Botswana Democratic Party (BDP), the ruling party in the southern African nation, launched its manifesto on Sunday, setting the stage for the general election scheduled later this year. Voters are expected to head to the polls in October to elect a new president and local authorities. The incumbent, 63-year-old President Mokgweetsi Masisi, is seeking a second term.

The presidential contest will see Masisi facing off against two prominent opposition figures: Duma Boko, the leader of the Umbrella for Democratic Change coalition, and Dumelang Saleshando, the leader of the smaller Botswana Congress Party. During the manifesto launch held at the Royal Aria Stadium in Gaborone, the capital city, Masisi characterized the party’s platform as “a blueprint for a future in which every (Botswanan) can thrive.” He emphasized the BDP’s vision for a hopeful future, stating, “I offer a promise… by voting for the BDP you are selecting a vision of hope.”

Masisi took over the leadership of the BDP in April 2018 under the party’s carefully planned succession process. Former President Ian Khama stepped down 18 months before the next election, paving the way for Masisi’s ascension. The BDP re-elected Masisi as their candidate during a party conference last Saturday.

The party’s manifesto outlines key promises, including a commitment to “an economy that works for everyone, fair wages, rule of law where all enjoy the dignity of their humanity in a secure home and country.” The BDP’s platform also emphasizes creating more jobs, strengthening financial systems, and solidifying democracy.

Addressing a crowd of supporters clad in red, Masisi declared, “Our brightest years are yet to come.” He highlighted the party’s achievements in the diamond sector, a key source of income for Botswana, noting, “We pursued with vigour mineral beneficiation, we created partnerships with companies for diamond processing and we renegotiated with De Beers.” The South African-British diamond company, De Beers, plays a significant role in Botswana’s economy, with diamonds contributing 30% of the country’s GDP and 80% of its exports, according to International Monetary Fund figures. Masisi boasted that Botswana had hired a record 20,000 people in the diamond industry.

The upcoming election has been overshadowed by tensions between the ruling party and the opposition, led by former President Khama. Khama has pledged to unite opposition parties in an alliance aimed at removing Masisi from office through the ballot box. In a 2023 interview with AFP, Khama accused Masisi of threatening Botswana’s democracy and vowed to dethrone him in the 2024 election. The government dismissed Khama’s accusations as “outrageous and unfortunate.”

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