Medical Student Dies by Suicide After Breakup in Kancheepuram

A 23-year-old medical student from Tuticorin district, identified as Sherley, tragically took her own life on Sunday night by jumping from the fifth floor of her hostel at Meenakshi Medical College in Kancheepuram. Sherley was a fifth-year student at the college and had been in a romantic relationship with a fellow student since their first year. However, their relationship ended during their third year, leading to a significant emotional strain for Sherley.

Police reports indicate that despite efforts by her father, who is employed in Abu Dhabi, to reconcile the two, the issues between Sherley and her former partner persisted. This ongoing distress culminated in Sherley’s decision to end her life.

On Sunday night, around 8:30 pm, Sherley was observed sitting on the fifth floor of the hostel, visibly upset. College staff and fellow students who noticed her distress attempted to convince her to come down, but their pleas were met with refusal.

The college administration, realizing the gravity of the situation, began setting up safety nets to catch Sherley if she were to jump. However, before the nets could be fully secured, Sherley tragically leapt from the fifth floor.

She was immediately transported to the college hospital and received emergency medical attention. Despite the efforts of medical professionals, Sherley succumbed to severe injuries sustained from the fall, including head and leg trauma.

The incident has sent shockwaves through the college community, with many expressing profound sadness and grief. An investigation into the circumstances surrounding Sherley’s death is currently underway.

This tragic incident highlights the importance of mental health awareness and the need for readily accessible support services. If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out for help. The Tamil Nadu health helpline can be reached at 104, and Sneha’s suicide prevention helpline is available at 044-24640050.

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