Over-Exfoliated Skin: How to Recognize and Repair the Damage

That radiant glow you see in the mirror might be a sign of over-exfoliated skin. While it may seem like a desirable effect initially, overdoing it can lead to dryness, rough patches, and even rashes.

Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta, ISAAC Luxe, explains that proper exfoliation should be subtle. You should feel a slight improvement in smoothness and texture, but not a dramatic change. Overdoing it strips away essential oils and skin cells, leaving your skin vulnerable and looking thin and waxy.

The recommended frequency for exfoliation is one to two times a week. Using acids and retinol daily can be harmful in the long run. Dr. Gupta notes that many clients come to her with over-exfoliated skin, often from using too many peels or harsh scrubs.

Even for those with oily skin, Dr. Simal Soin, a Delhi-based dermatologist, advises on a weekly or bi-weekly exfoliation schedule. Aggressive exfoliation can worsen skin conditions like acne.

When over-exfoliated skin is subjected to more acids, it can lead to peeling, irritation, burning, redness, inflammation, congested pores, pimples, and increased sensitivity to products. Your regular hydrating toner might even start to sting.

What to Do If You Have Over-Exfoliated Skin

If you’ve over-exfoliated, stop using any harsh products and let your skin recover. Dr. Gupta recommends giving your skin a break, as it will heal on its own with proper care. Focus on healing the damaged skin, replenishing lost moisture, and rebuilding healthy skin cells.

Avoid harsh ingredients like fragrances and alcohol during this time. Instead, opt for a gentle pH-balanced cleanser, hydrating creams, SPF, and repair creams that support the skin barrier. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, zinc oxide, CoQ10, squalane, shea butter, and glycerin, all known for their hydrating and calming properties.

It typically takes a month for skin cells to regenerate, so you should start to see a difference within that timeframe. For severe irritation, a hydrocortisone cream can provide relief.

Calm the Irritation Immediately

If you experience burning after using a strong acid or scrubbing, a cold compress can help reduce the sensation and inflammation. You can use ice cubes, ice packs, or cold bags.

For at-home remedies, aloe vera is known for its cooling and soothing properties. Fresh cucumber slices or a cucumber purée can also provide a cooling and calming effect.

If your skin feels raw or painful after exfoliation, consult your dermatologist.

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