Auburn University Empowers Rural Alabama Communities with Innovative Programs

Auburn University is committed to building resilient communities throughout Alabama, focusing on improving the lives of those residing in rural areas. The university’s multifaceted approach encompasses initiatives aimed at providing access to affordable housing, healthcare, and educational opportunities.

Enhancing Healthcare Access in Rural Communities

The university’s Rural Health Initiative strives to expand access to health and wellness services, both through in-person care and telehealth. This collaborative effort, backed by Auburn Outreach and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, involves various faculty and staff members. Telehealth focuses on substance use disorder treatment, mental health, and primary care, utilizing OnMed healthcare stations at six locations and telehealth carts at ten sites. Furthermore, the colleges of nursing, liberal arts, education, human sciences, veterinary medicine, and pharmacy actively contribute to face-to-face community service, bringing specialized expertise and hands-on support to communities in need.

Addressing Medicare Needs with the AU-SHIP Medicare Outreach Program

The Harrison College of Pharmacy partners with the Alabama State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) to deliver the AU-SHIP Medicare Outreach Program. Each fall, student pharmacists provide guidance to community members on selecting Medicare Advantage or Part D plans. They offer unbiased information about available plans and assist individuals aged 65 and older in determining their eligibility for subsidy programs to help cover out-of-pocket expenses.

Cultivating Future Rural Healthcare Professionals

The Rural Medicine Program (RMP), a collaborative venture between Auburn’s College of Sciences and Mathematics and the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), addresses the shortage of primary care physicians in rural Alabama. Launched in 2006, the RMP prepares students for medical school and encourages them to return to serve rural communities. The program features a pre-matriculation year at Auburn, followed by medical training at UAB and hands-on clinical experience in Huntsville. This comprehensive approach, incorporating rigorous science courses, clinical mentorship, and experiential learning, fosters a strong commitment to rural medicine among students.

Providing Affordable Housing Solutions

The College of Architecture, Design, and Construction’s Rural Studio, an off-campus design-build program in Newbern, Alabama, has been instrumental in improving housing conditions in rural Hale County. Since its inception in 1993, Rural Studio students and faculty have completed over 220 projects, constructing homes, recreational facilities, a firehouse, a library, and more. The program’s Front Porch Initiative disseminates innovative housing design plans developed by Rural Studio students and faculty to community organizations nationwide, addressing the lack of affordable housing. Recognizing the challenges posed by inadequate wastewater treatment infrastructure in many areas of the Black Belt, Rural Studio has expanded its efforts to include research on wastewater treatment options.

Empowering Rural Students Through the GEAR UP Achieve Initiative

The College of Education and Auburn Outreach collaborate on the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) Achieve initiative. This program, funded by an $18.4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education, provides greater access and opportunities to over 6,500 Alabama middle school students in districts where college and career readiness support is most needed. Over seven years, these students will receive a college scholarship, enhanced support for higher education opportunities, and assistance in navigating the college admissions process, contributing to greater post-secondary success.

Supporting Rural Businesses and Local Governments

Auburn’s Government & Economic Development Institute (GEDI) provides support to entrepreneurs, small businesses, and local governments in rural communities. GEDI hosts trainings and workshops across Alabama, partnering with municipalities and professional associations to offer certification and credentialing programs for elected officials, community leaders, and government employees. These programs cover topics such as economic and community development, workforce development, retail strategies, business attraction, and marketing, helping participants excel in their roles, better serve their constituents, and foster the growth and strength of their local communities and economies.

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