New Mexico Uses AI and Satellites to Find Water Leaks, Save Millions

New Mexico is tackling a major water challenge with a high-tech solution. The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED), Google Public Sector, and Woolpert Digital Innovations have partnered to launch ‘Hydro Delta,’ an initiative that utilizes satellite imagery and artificial intelligence (AI) to identify water leaks, often hidden underground.

Hydro Delta is a game-changer for water conservation, particularly in rural communities where aging infrastructure frequently leads to significant water loss. In some New Mexico water systems, an alarming 40% to 70% of treated water is lost due to leaks, making them difficult and costly to locate and repair.

This innovative technology offers a more efficient solution. By analyzing millions of satellite images, Hydro Delta identifies anomalies indicating potential leaks, providing communities with timely and hyperlocal insights. The system leverages Google Earth Engine, a leading platform for geospatial AI, to monitor key water indicators like soil moisture, vegetation health, and temperature.

When Hydro Delta detects a potential leak, NMED notifies the responsible water system for investigation. This proactive approach helps streamline inspections, minimizing costs and search times. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides funding opportunities for water system upgrades, including leak repairs, making Hydro Delta’s insights even more valuable.

The initiative is inspired by a real-world challenge. In the summer of 2022, the Village of Chama faced a multi-week leak that led to a system-wide outage during peak tourist season. By using aerial flyovers and satellite data, contractors successfully located and resolved the leak, highlighting the potential of this technology.

NMED estimates that Hydro Delta could save New Mexico water systems up to $154 million, making it a significant investment in water security and sustainability. This initiative aligns with the state’s 50 Year Water Action Plan, which prioritizes reducing water leaks and promoting conservation. Hydro Delta serves as a model for addressing water challenges across the nation, showcasing the power of AI and satellite technology in protecting this vital resource.

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