Wiz Khalifa: Cannabis, Culture, and Finding the Perfect Vibe

Wiz Khalifa, known for his laid-back approach to life and cannabis, recently shared deeper insights into how weed shapes his global experiences. He explains, “There’s a lot of other things to do in life besides smoking, it’s just that smoking makes everything better.” This lighthearted sentiment perfectly captures his relaxed vibe. While discussing the expansion of his cannabis brand, Khalifa Kush, into Germany through a partnership with Sanity Group, Wiz reflects on his favorite places to light up and his approach to countries where cannabis is illegal.

When it comes to finding the perfect spot to enjoy cannabis, Wiz emphasizes the importance of the overall experience, energy, and connection with the local culture. “I just love different countries’ traditions,” he says, explaining how each destination brings a unique element to the table. France, for example, offers a classy vibe with locals often mixing hash with their weed, a practice Wiz appreciates. “France… I like smoking out there because they’re really classy,” he shares.

South America holds a different appeal for Wiz. Although he hasn’t always found top-tier weed, it doesn’t bother him. In fact, it adds to the experience. “I like going to South America… when I come through with some bomb-ass weed, they super duper appreciate it,” he laughs, expressing his fondness for the region.

Sometimes, however, the perfect setting is simply about the vibe and atmosphere. Wiz doesn’t need an exotic destination or legendary strains to enjoy himself. He just needs good energy. “Anywhere where the scenery is nice, where I can just enjoy and smoke a joint, walk around,” he says, adding that New York City, surprisingly, is one of his favorite places to get stoned. “I like to smoke in New York. That’s one of my favorite places to get stoned because of the vibe, everybody’s just on one. It’s good to be around that energy.”

Of course, his home base on the West Coast remains a go-to for obvious reasons. “The West Coast, of course, because of the vibe out here and how freely you can smoke,” he points out. The freedom to light up without a second thought resonates deeply with him. And naturally, Amsterdam, with its famous coffee shops, holds a special place in his heart.

For Wiz, it’s about striking a balance between relaxation and energy. “There are a lot of good places that are really relaxing or where the energy is just crazy, so it’s good to have good pot with you,” he says.

Not everywhere in the world shares Amsterdam’s relaxed approach to cannabis. Wiz navigates countries with strict laws by adopting a different mindset. “In places where it’s absolutely forbidden, like Dubai and Saudi Arabia, I just don’t smoke,” he states plainly. He doesn’t feel the need to push boundaries when the law is clear. Instead, he has found a simple rhythm for these situations. “I fly in, perform the day of, maybe do something the next day like a performance or an appearance, and then by nighttime, I’m on another plane and out of there.”

Even though Wiz is synonymous with weed, he doesn’t let the absence of cannabis ruin his time. “I respect their laws, but I also respect my lungs, so I gotta get up out of there,” he jokes, offering a lighthearted take on a potentially stressful scenario. Years of touring and traveling have taught him to adapt, and he doesn’t feel the need to obsess over the lack of weed in a no-tolerance zone. “I don’t feel any withdrawal symptoms. I think that’s more mental than anything,” he says, recalling how in his younger years, the thought of being without weed would stress him out. But now, he says, “Now, as an adult, I know I have a pound waiting for me back at the house, so I just take the flight, do what I do, have a great time. I’m still social, taking pictures, smiling, out and about—I still enjoy myself.”

For Wiz, being without weed isn’t the end of the world. It’s more of a temporary pause in a lifestyle he knows he’ll get back to soon enough. He talks about these smoke-free stretches with a calm that mirrors his overall approach to life. “I sleep fine. There are really no issues or anything that would make me not want to do it for the amount of time I do it. It’ll be like 2 or 3 days, maybe 4, and then I just get right back to it,” he says, with the same sense of ease that defines his music and public persona.

In the end, cannabis is more than just a substance for Wiz Khalifa. It’s part of his daily routine, his travels, and even his identity. From savoring the refined atmosphere of France to basking in the excitement of South America’s crowds, Wiz celebrates the many ways weed connects him to the world. And when it’s not permitted, he takes it in stride, knowing that his next joint is never too far away. As Wiz puts it, “smoking makes everything better,” but he doesn’t let it define his entire experience.

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