PharmaCann Supports Cannabis Reform with $250,000 Donation to Mission [Green] Alliance

The cannabis industry is increasingly focused on expanding access to cannabis products, but PharmaCann, a leading player, is going beyond simply providing access. They are committed to creating a positive impact within the cannabis community, starting with affordable, high-quality products, and actively pursuing social change. This dedication has led them to team up with Mission [Green] Alliance, a non-profit organization dedicated to driving federal cannabis reform.

PharmaCann recently presented Mission [Green] Alliance with a check for over $250,000, collected from participating Verilife and LivWell locations across the country. This significant donation underscores PharmaCann’s commitment to supporting the organization’s mission of achieving justice for those unfairly incarcerated due to cannabis-related offenses.

Mission [Green] Alliance was launched in April 2023 by The Weldon Project, another non-profit organization working to end cannabis prohibition and address the injustices of the War on Drugs. The Alliance aims to achieve its goals through a multifaceted approach, including providing financial aid to individuals facing unfair incarceration, advocating for clemency, and commuting sentences related to cannabis convictions.

The roots of this movement lie in the deeply flawed War on Drugs, which disproportionately impacted certain communities and led to the unjust imprisonment of countless individuals. Weldon Angelos, a young recording artist, became a symbol of this injustice. Despite selling only a small amount of cannabis to undercover agents, he was charged with 20 federal crimes and sentenced to 55 years in prison due to mandatory minimum sentencing laws.

After serving 13 years, Angelos was released from prison and founded The Weldon Project to advocate for an end to cannabis prohibition and the release of those unjustly incarcerated. Mission [Green] Alliance is a natural extension of The Weldon Project, encouraging cannabis companies and customers to contribute to this cause.

The Alliance’s approach is simple yet powerful: it utilizes a grassroots model where cannabis consumers can round up their purchases to the nearest dollar and donate the change to support cannabis justice efforts. Dispensaries serve as collection points, making it easy for consumers to participate with every purchase.

PharmaCann’s partnership with Mission [Green] Alliance is a testament to their shared belief in social equity. As a leader in the cannabis industry, PharmaCann recognizes the need to address the harmful consequences of outdated legislation and support those impacted by the War on Drugs. The company’s efforts, coupled with the powerful documentary “Unlikely Allies,” which showcases Weldon Angelos’ journey, are bringing increased awareness and support to this critical issue.

The future of cannabis reform is promising. With widespread industry support, Mission [Green] Alliance is well-positioned to continue advocating for justice for those unjustly imprisoned. Expanding state legalization and potential federal reform, through proposals to reschedule marijuana and decriminalize cannabis, are significant steps towards a more equitable and just future. The cannabis industry, with organizations like PharmaCann and Mission [Green] Alliance at the forefront, is playing a crucial role in driving this positive change.

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