3 Underrated Sci-Fi Movies on Amazon Freevee You Should Watch

If you’re on the hunt for a captivating sci-fi movie to watch this month, and you’re looking to stream it for free, Amazon Freevee is your go-to destination. This platform, accessible with or without an Amazon Prime subscription (though you’ll need an Amazon account), offers a wealth of content with minimal advertising interruptions. While movies on Amazon Freevee rotate regularly, we’ve curated a list of three underrated sci-fi films you should check out in September. These movies might fly under the radar, but they’re guaranteed to provide an enjoyable cinematic experience.

The Lawnmower Man (1992)

With a runtime exceeding two hours, *The Lawnmower Man* is a movie best enjoyed with a dedicated evening. Settle in with snacks, drinks, and a cozy blanket, and prepare to be immersed in a futuristic world of virtual reality – a concept that was still in its infancy when this film was released. The story revolves around Dr. Lawrence “Larry” Angelo (Pierce Brosnan), a scientist who embarks on a groundbreaking experiment. He selects Jobe (Jeff Fahey), an intellectually disabled gardener, as his test subject, hoping to enhance Jobe’s intelligence through virtual reality simulations and nootropic drugs. As Jobe undergoes this transformation, he develops superhuman abilities, hinting at a profound intellectual evolution. However, he also becomes prone to violent outbursts, driven by a desperate desire to transcend his physical form and become a digital entity.

*The Lawnmower Man*, based on the writings of Stephen King, has been criticized for its melodrama, predictable plot points, and dated visual effects. However, this very blend of elements has become a source of charm and watchability for many viewers. Despite lukewarm reviews, the film debuted at second place at the box office upon its release, trailing only the popular *Wayne’s World*. Stephen Hunter of the *Baltimore Sun* described *The Lawnmower Man* as a “visual adventure” that offers “great fun.” If you’re looking for a movie that leans into its campiness and delivers a dose of entertaining sci-fi, *The Lawnmower Man* on Freevee is worth your time.

Communion (1989)

Journey back to the late 1980s with *Communion*, a chilling sci-fi horror film based on the novel of the same name by Whitley Strieber. Christopher Walken takes center stage as the titular character, named after the book’s author and based on his real-life experiences. The film follows a family man who encounters extraterrestrials during a wilderness vacation. After Whitley is abducted and returned home, he is plagued by persistent nightmares and unsettling visions. These intrusive experiences begin to negatively impact both his work and his personal life.

According to Strieber himself, the movie’s premise is rooted in his own claimed encounters with extraterrestrial beings, hence Walken’s portrayal of a character bearing his name. While Strieber later criticized the film for its depiction of him, and *Communion* received mixed reviews overall, it has since garnered a dedicated cult following. Stefan Birgir Stefans of sbs.is suggests that if the film’s goal is to intentionally evoke the unsettling feelings of an abductee in the viewer, then it achieves its objective brilliantly. Walken’s performance is, as expected, captivating, making *Communion* a compelling watch for fans of his work and sci-fi horror alike. Stream *Communion* on Freevee.

Glasshouse (2021)

As a relatively recent addition to the genre, *Glasshouse* is a lesser-known South African dystopian thriller infused with sci-fi elements. The film explores a familiar premise: Earth is ravaged by a toxin, but instead of killing, it erases memories, a phenomenon known as the Shred. As individuals struggle to survive and preserve their memories, a mother, her three daughters, and son find refuge in a greenhouse. However, their sanctuary is compromised when the eldest daughter invites a stranger to join them.

*Glasshouse* has garnered positive reviews, with critics praising its unique sci-fi fantasy twist. Kat Hughes of THN describes the film as one that “seduces and scandalizes with its unique brand of mystique.” If you’re looking for a film that blends dystopian suspense with fantastical elements, *Glasshouse* on Freevee is a compelling choice. Stream *Glasshouse* on Freevee.

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