Green Transformation: A Must for Sustainable Tourism

The tourism industry is facing a critical turning point. Sustainability is no longer a choice, but a necessity for long-term success. This was the clear message from the recent high-level forum, “Green Transformation, Net-Zero Travel & Tourism—Creating the Future,” held in Ho Chi Minh City.

Experts from across the region, including the Pacific Asia Travel Association and government officials from Vietnam and Cambodia, underscored the need for a green transformation in tourism, a shift toward sustainable practices that minimize environmental impact, promote responsible tourism, and preserve cultural heritage.

A Greener Future for Tourism:

The forum highlighted the significant environmental impact of the tourism sector, which accounts for around 8% of global carbon emissions. This calls for urgent action to reduce the industry’s carbon footprint and transition toward net-zero emissions.

The shift to a greener tourism sector involves a multi-pronged approach:


Adopting renewable energy:

Transitioning away from fossil fuels and embracing solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources can significantly reduce carbon emissions.

Circular economy:

Implementing circular economy principles, such as waste reduction, recycling, and resource reuse, can minimize the industry’s environmental impact.

Integrating local culture and community benefits:

Involving local communities in tourism development, respecting cultural traditions, and maximizing the benefits for local people are crucial for sustainable tourism.

Competing on Sustainability:

Beyond its environmental impact, green transformation also offers a competitive advantage for tourism destinations. Eco-conscious travelers are increasingly seeking sustainable travel experiences. Promoting sustainability in tourism marketing can attract a new generation of travelers and contribute to a 20% increase in visitor numbers.

Global and Regional Commitment:

The forum recognized the global commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, as outlined in the Paris Agreement. Several leading tourism destinations and companies have already pledged to achieve this goal.

Vietnam, with its rich cultural heritage and natural beauty, has identified green transformation as a key pillar of its sustainable tourism development strategy. The Vietnamese government is actively working to minimize the environmental impact of tourism while preserving cultural and natural heritage.

Cambodia, another prominent tourism destination, also recognizes the need for sustainable tourism practices. The country’s Secretary of State for Tourism emphasized the urgent need to align tourism practices with global net-zero targets to ensure the industry’s long-term resilience.

Reducing the Carbon Footprint:

The forum emphasized the importance of actively reducing the carbon footprint of tourism. This requires implementing policies and strategies at all stages of the tourism lifecycle.



Expanding reforestation projects can offset carbon emissions and enhance biodiversity.

Renewable energy in tourism operations:

Hotels, resorts, and other tourism businesses can reduce their energy consumption and emissions by utilizing renewable energy sources.

Promoting ecotourism:

Encouraging eco-friendly travel experiences, such as wildlife safaris, nature walks, and sustainable accommodation options, can reduce the environmental impact of tourism.

The Future of Tourism:

The “Green Transformation, Net-Zero Travel & Tourism—Creating the Future” forum provided a platform for discussing and advancing the transition to a more sustainable tourism industry. It highlighted the importance of green transformation, net-zero travel, and eco-friendly practices as essential strategies to secure the future of tourism. As tourism destinations worldwide face increasing pressure to align with sustainability goals, the industry must embrace these changes and pave the way for a greener, more sustainable future.

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