Harris Accuses Trump of ‘Coddling’ Putin and Being Weak in Face of Pressure

During a heated presidential debate, Vice President Kamala Harris took aim at former President Donald Trump, accusing him of coddling authoritarian leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin. Harris argued that Trump would have caved under pressure from Putin, allowing the Russian leader to achieve his goals with minimal resistance.

Harris painted a stark picture of what she believes would have happened if Trump had remained in office during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. She stated that Putin, with Trump’s alleged weakness, would have easily overrun Ukraine and potentially expanded his control into neighboring countries like Poland.

Harris emphasized the danger of what she perceived as Trump’s willingness to appease Putin, highlighting the potential for a much larger conflict under a Trump presidency. She went on to say that Putin would have seen Trump as a weak and malleable leader, someone he could easily manipulate to gain his desired outcome.

This sharp exchange between Harris and Trump highlights the ongoing political debate surrounding Russia’s actions in Ukraine and the respective foreign policy stances of the two candidates. The debate continues to stir controversy and sparks discussion about the importance of strong leadership and the potential consequences of a perceived lack of resolve in the face of aggression from authoritarian regimes.

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