Reduce Food Waste: Turn Leftover Veggies into Delicious Pickles

In an era of rising food prices and heightened awareness of environmental impact, reducing food waste is essential. This is especially true during the colder months when many of us seek ways to stretch our budgets. Sophie Nahmad, a lead recipe developer at Gousto, offers a clever solution: turn leftover veggies into delicious pickles!

Pickling is a fantastic way to preserve produce and extend its shelf life. As Nahmad explains, “For the vegetables that you can’t re-grow, don’t fear as these can still be saved and utilised once they’re past their prime with some ingenious pickling methods.” These pickled vegetables can add a vibrant and tangy element to salads, sandwiches, and even main courses.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to pickling your veggies, based on Nahmad’s expert advice:


Prepare Your Veggies:

Chop the vegetables you want to pickle. Think cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, or any other produce you have on hand.


Measure Your Vinegar:

Choose white wine vinegar or plain white vinegar. The ratio is roughly half the amount of vinegar to the number of vegetables.


Sweeten the Deal:

Measure out your sugar, using half the amount of vinegar you used. Adjust this based on your desired sweetness level.


Simmer the Vinegar:

Gently simmer the vinegar in a saucepan over the stove. Gradually add the sugar, stirring until it dissolves completely. Taste as you go, and add salt if needed.


Add the Veggies:

Once the vinegar mixture is ready, add your chopped vegetables and cook until they are crisp-tender. This usually takes just a few minutes.


Cool and Store:

Remove the pan from the heat and transfer the pickled vegetables into a heat-safe airtight container. Allow them to cool to room temperature before storing them in the fridge.

Your pickled veggies should last for up to a month, extending their lifespan far beyond their fresh use-by date. This simple and efficient method will not only reduce your food waste but also add a flavorful twist to your culinary repertoire.

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