UK and Italy Seek Common Ground on Migrant Crisis

In a bid to find common ground on a pressing issue, UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer traveled to Rome for a meeting with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Despite representing opposing ends of the political spectrum – Labour on the left and the far-right Brothers of Italy – both leaders share a common concern: curbing the influx of migrants arriving by boat.

The visit comes in the wake of a tragic incident where at least eight migrants lost their lives off the French coast. This tragedy has brought the issue of migration to the forefront of the political agenda in both countries. Starmer, acknowledging the growing pressure, is seeking inspiration from Italy’s approach to tackling the problem.

Italy, under Meloni’s leadership, has implemented a series of measures aimed at deterring refugees from embarking on the perilous journey across the Mediterranean. These measures include agreements with African countries to block departures, limitations on humanitarian rescue ships, crackdowns on human traffickers, and initiatives to discourage potential migrants from setting off.

One notable initiative is a deal with Albania where some adult male migrants rescued at sea while trying to reach Italy are instead brought to Albania for asylum processing. This approach has resulted in a significant decrease in the number of migrants arriving in Italy by boat in the first half of 2023, according to the country’s Interior Ministry.

However, Italy’s approach has faced criticism from refugee groups and others who view it as overly strict and detrimental to the treatment of migrants. The country’s increasingly strict asylum rules, growing xenophobia, and hostile treatment of migrants have also raised concerns.

During his visit, Starmer will tour Italy’s national immigration crime coordination centre with the newly appointed UK Border Security Commander, Martin Hewitt. Hewitt, a former head of Britain’s National Police Chiefs’ Council, is tasked with working with law enforcement and intelligence agencies across Europe to dismantle people-smuggling networks.

Starmer’s visit to Rome is part of a broader effort to restore strained relations with EU neighbours following Brexit. While he has ruled out rejoining the EU, Starmer seeks closer cooperation on security and other issues.

The meeting also included discussions on support for Ukraine. Both leaders, particularly Meloni, are staunch supporters of Ukraine’s fight against Russia. They discussed Ukraine’s request for Western-supplied missiles to strike targets deep inside Russia, a request that has generated debate among allies.

Starmer’s trip to Italy underscores the growing need for international cooperation to address the complex issues of migration and security, particularly in light of the ongoing war in Ukraine. As global challenges continue to evolve, leaders are seeking to navigate complex issues through collaboration and understanding, despite their political differences.

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