China Denies Aircraft Carrier Entered Japanese Waters, Tensions Rise in Western Pacific

Tensions between China and Japan have flared up once again after Tokyo accused Beijing of sending its Liaoning aircraft carrier and accompanying warships into Japanese waters during a training exercise in the western Pacific. China, however, firmly denies the accusations, stating that the vessels were engaged in routine training activities that adhered to international law.

Japan’s defense ministry reported on Wednesday that the Liaoning carrier and two destroyers had sailed between the southern islands of Yonaguni and Iriomote, claiming these waters fall under Japan’s jurisdiction. In response, China’s defense ministry issued a statement on Thursday, asserting that the flotilla’s movements were part of a planned training exercise and did not constitute an intrusion into Japanese territory. While the ministry didn’t specify the exact location of the flotilla, it emphasized that no international laws were violated.

The incident follows a pattern of escalating tensions between China and Japan, driven by Beijing’s increasing military activity near Japan and around Taiwan. Tokyo, expressing concern over China’s ambitions, has responded with a significant defense buildup, aiming to deter any aggressive military action by China. The recent incident comes on the heels of a similar confrontation last month, when Japan lodged a protest against Beijing for a Chinese survey vessel entering Japanese waters. Japan also accused a Chinese spy plane of violating its airspace.

In light of the latest incident, Japan’s Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary, Hiroshi Moriya, conveyed Tokyo’s serious concerns to Beijing, characterizing the alleged incursion as “utterly unacceptable”. Japan has pledged to closely monitor the activities of Chinese naval vessels in the region.

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