21 Easy Money-Saving Habits From Frugal Redditors

Saving money is a goal for many, but sometimes the strategies people suggest can be time-consuming and overwhelming. That’s why I was thrilled to stumble upon a Reddit thread where frugal folks shared their easiest money-saving habits. These are tips you can actually implement without sacrificing your sanity!

Clever Shopping Hacks


The Amazon Cart Trick:

Add items to your Amazon cart but resist the urge to buy immediately. Wait a few days and you might realize you don’t actually need the item after all. This simple trick helps prevent impulse buys.


The Notes App Method:

Instead of relying on a virtual shopping cart, simply write down items you’re thinking about buying in your phone’s Notes app. This helps reduce pressure and often makes you realize you don’t need the item after all.


Embrace the Discount Grocery Store:

Don’t be afraid to shop at discount grocery stores. Many offer great deals on items nearing or just past their sell-by date. This is a fantastic way to save hundreds on groceries each month.


The Envelope Method:

For budgeting groceries and entertainment, try the envelope method. By physically counting out the cash you allocate for these categories, you become more conscious of your spending and can better track where your money goes.

Cutting Costs on Essentials


Powdered Sports Drinks:

Instead of buying expensive bottled sports drinks for your athletic kids, opt for powdered drink mixes. Walmart even sells large sizes that can last an entire season, saving you both time and money.


High Yield Savings Accounts:

Transfer your savings to a high-yield savings account. You’ll earn significantly more interest, turning your single-digit cents per month into a substantial amount, like $30 or more!


Ditch Cable, Keep Streaming:

Say goodbye to traditional cable TV. Most households can get by with streaming services like Prime and Hulu, saving you a hefty chunk of money without sacrificing entertainment.

Decluttering for Savings


The Great Declutter:

Go through all your drawers, cabinets, and wardrobes. This not only helps you organize and identify what you have, but it also reveals impulse purchases you might have regretted. This self-awareness can prevent similar mistakes in the future.

Insurance Savings


Shop Around for Insurance:

Comparison shop for auto and home insurance. You could be saving two-thirds on auto and half on home insurance – a significant amount of money over time. Remember to choose a reputable insurance company that will handle claims quickly and has excellent customer service.


Embrace the Rags:

Say goodbye to paper towels! Invest in a pack of painter’s rags and use them for cleaning around the house. They can be washed and reused, saving you money and reducing waste.

Meal Prep Magic


The Power of Meal Prep:

Meal prepping can be a game-changer for your budget and time management. Prepare a week’s worth of meals in advance, like oatmeal, pasta, or rice dishes. This allows you to eat healthier while saving money on dining out or takeout.

Socializing on a Budget


Switch Up Social Plans:

Instead of automatically meeting friends at restaurants, suggest alternative activities like dessert outings, hikes, or simply meeting at a park. This allows you to maintain social connections without breaking the bank.

DIY Beauty


Do-It-Yourself Manicures:

Save money on expensive salon manicures by doing your own nails. If you’re prone to allergies, consider acrylics or dip powders, which are less likely to cause reactions.

The Power of Resale


The Facebook Marketplace Flip:

Need a big power tool for a project? Buy it used on Facebook Marketplace, use it for your project, and then resell it on the same platform. You’ll often get your money back or even make a profit!

The ‘No-Buy’ Challenge


The ‘No-Buy’ Challenge:

Embrace the ‘no-buy’ challenge and make do with your existing wardrobe, decor, utensils, and tools. This forces you to be more mindful of purchases and helps you determine if an item is genuinely worth your money. Start with a month-long challenge and see if you’re ready for a longer commitment.

These are just a few of the many savvy money-saving habits shared by Redditors. What are your favorite ways to save money? Share them in the comments below!

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