PhotoVogue and the UN Team Up for a Sustainable Future: ‘The Tree of Life’ at the SDG Media Zone

PhotoVogue is proud to announce that Alessia Glaviano, Head of Global PhotoVogue, will be participating in the SDG Media Zone at the United Nations Headquarters. This event, which will be livestreamed on UN WebTV and the SDG Media Zone website, brings together world leaders, influencers, activists, and experts to discuss and advance the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

PhotoVogue’s annual Global Open Call is a powerful platform for visual storytelling. This year’s theme, ‘The Tree of Life: A Love Letter to Nature’, reflects the urgent need to address the environmental crisis facing our planet. The call invited artists from around the world to submit their work exploring the complex relationship between humans, animals, and the environment.

The selected projects showcase a range of approaches to environmental advocacy. Some document the struggles of indigenous communities, while others highlight innovative recycling practices, conservation efforts, and the environmental consequences of colonialism. All of the projects are aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

On September 27th, Alessia Glaviano will participate in a panel discussion titled ‘Art, Nature, and Community: Delving into PhotoVogue and its Global Open Call ‘The Tree of Life: A Love Letter to Nature.” Moderated by Nanette Bran (Director of Communications and Campaigns), the discussion will feature photographers Katie Orlinsky and Xavier Scott Marshall. Orlinsky, a regular contributor to National Geographic, captures stories of human resilience in the face of environmental change. Marshall, a Trinidadian-American artist and longstanding member of the PhotoVogue community, brings an intersectional perspective to the conversation, examining colonialism and Black religion through his powerful imagery.

‘The Tree of Life: A Love Letter to Nature’ aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals, including ‘Responsible Consumption and Production,’ ‘Life Below Water,’ ‘Life on Land,’ and ‘Climate Action.’ Through this collaboration, PhotoVogue and the UN Department of Global Communications are reinforcing the importance of ‘Partnerships for the Goals.’

The SDG Media Zone provides a platform for public discourse on the 2030 Agenda, highlighting the work of organizations and individuals who are striving for a more just and sustainable future. The event coincides with the Summit of the Future, where world leaders will come together to forge international consensus on global commitments and ensure the 17 Sustainable Development Goals are on track to be achieved by 2030.

The works from the artists selected for ‘The Tree of Life: A Love Letter to Nature’ will be on display throughout the UN Headquarters during the SDG Media Zone, showcasing the power of art to inspire change and raise awareness of critical environmental issues.

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