UN Condemns Lebanon Detonations as Potential War Crimes, Blaming Israel

Amidst heightened tensions in the Middle East, the United Nations has condemned the recent detonation of hand-held devices in Lebanon as potential war crimes. The assertion came after Beirut’s top diplomats accused Israel of orchestrating what they termed a ‘terror attack.’ The condemnation was delivered by UN Human Rights Chief Volker Türk during an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council (UNSC) on Friday.

Earlier this week, Lebanon experienced two waves of device explosions, resulting in the tragic deaths of 37 individuals and injuries to over 3,400 others. The country was left in shock as pagers and walkie-talkies, seemingly innocuous devices, detonated as their users went about their daily lives, shopping in supermarkets, walking on streets, and even attending funerals. While Israel has not claimed responsibility for the blasts, they have been widely attributed to the Jewish nation.

“International humanitarian law prohibits the use of booby-trap devices in the form of apparently harmless portable objects,” stated the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, during the emergency session. “It is a war crime to commit violence intended to spread terror among civilians,” he added, emphasizing the need for an “independent, rigorous and transparent” investigation into the matter.

Lebanese authorities, during the UNSC meeting, placed the blame squarely on Israel, alleging that the targeted devices were booby-trapped before entering the country. “I am appalled by the breadth and impact of the attacks,” said Türk. “These attacks represent a new development in warfare, where communication tools become weapons. This cannot be the new normal,” he declared.

Meanwhile, Lebanon’s top diplomat, Abdallah Bou Habib, denounced the attack as “an unprecedented method of warfare in its brutality and terror.” He asserted that Israel was behind the attack and branded the nation a “rogue state.” “Israel, through this terrorist aggression has violated the basic principles of international humanitarian law,” he stated.

While Israel has not commented directly on the device explosions, it has maintained that the country will expand “the scope of war” in the region. “I can tell you that we will do everything we can to target those terrorists,” Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, told reporters on Friday, when asked about the device explosions. This statement came after Israel conducted airstrikes in Beirut, resulting in the deaths of two senior Hezbollah commanders and 16 others.

“We have no intention to enter a war with Hezbollah in Lebanon, but we cannot continue the way it is,” Danon stated. “If Hezbollah does not retreat from our border… through diplomatic efforts, Israel will be left with no choice but to use any means within our rights,” he added.

The situation in the Middle East remains volatile and fraught with tension, with the recent events adding another layer of complexity to an already precarious landscape. The UN’s condemnation of the Lebanon detonations and the ongoing accusations and counter-accusations between Israel and Lebanon raise concerns over the potential for further escalation of the conflict. The international community is closely watching the situation, calling for a peaceful resolution and urging all parties to exercise restraint and prioritize dialogue.

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