Maximize Your Citrus & More: TikTok’s Kitchen Hacks for Saving Time & Money

Ever feel frustrated by the paltry amount of juice you get from your lemons? Fear not, a TikTok culinary expert named EmpireIQ (@zoyawrite804) has revealed a simple yet genius method that will revolutionize your citrus juicing experience.

This TikTok chef shares a series of clever hacks designed to “save time and waste”, starting with a trick for maximizing your lemon juice yield. Their secret? Microwaving the lemons for a mere 20 seconds before juicing. EmpireIQ explains that the heat breaks down the lemon’s cell walls, making it softer and easier to squeeze, ultimately resulting in a noticeable increase in juice production. This technique works wonders for limes and oranges too!

But the hacks don’t stop there. EmpireIQ also tackles the challenges of preserving fresh herbs, peeling garlic, and handling ginger. For those vibrant herbs like basil, rosemary, and thyme that tend to wilt quickly in the refrigerator, EmpireIQ suggests chopping them finely, placing them in an ice cube tray, and covering them with olive oil. Once frozen, these herb-infused cubes can be stored in a freezer bag for easy use in soups, sauces, or sautés.

Peeling garlic can be a tedious task, but EmpireIQ offers a surprisingly effective solution: place the cloves in a small jar with a lid and shake vigorously for 10 to 15 seconds. The friction created will loosen the skins, making them easy to peel.

When it comes to ginger, its tricky bumpy surface can pose a challenge. EmpireIQ recommends using a spoon instead of a knife to peel ginger, as the spoon can easily navigate the crevices without cutting too deeply, preserving more of the ginger root for cooking and juicing.

Lastly, for those moments when you’ve forgotten to take your butter out of the refrigerator early enough to soften, EmpireIQ suggests grating the butter. The small shreds will soften much faster than a whole stick, making it easier to mix into doughs or batters.

These ingenious TikTok hacks not only save time and money but also add an element of creativity and practicality to your kitchen routine. By incorporating these simple tips, you can elevate your cooking skills and unlock a world of culinary possibilities.

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