Vortex Energy Intersects Visible Salt Rock at Robinsons River Salt Project

Vancouver-based Vortex Energy Corp. is excited to announce a significant discovery at their Robinsons River Salt Project in Newfoundland & Labrador. The company’s third core well, drilled to an approximate depth of 735 meters, successfully intersected visible salt rock at a depth of 327 meters. This discovery adds further evidence to the previously identified salt formations at the project, which hold immense potential for hydrogen storage in salt caverns.

The core well, designated VTX-23-W-2, yielded a total of 279 meters of drill core containing salt rock. The drilling process involved two stages: reverse flooded dual rotary drilling and casing to 327 meters by Forage FTE Drilling, followed by diamond drilling from 327 meters to the end of the well by Major Drilling International. This meticulous process was overseen by RESPEC Consulting Inc., Vortex’s primary consulting partner.

The core hole was strategically located near the western gravity anomaly, referred to as the ‘Western Salt Structure’. This site was chosen to test the gravity-low anomaly near an existing seismic line, leveraging existing road and drill trail infrastructure. The observed visible halite in the third core well closely resembles that found in the first core hole (VTX-23-W-1). Both exhibit a black coloration and are interbedded with mudstone containing salt-filled cracks.

Initial examinations revealed no presence of potassium magnesium (K-Mg) salt or anhydrite in the salt formation. These minerals can negatively impact hydrogen or energy storage development, making this discovery even more promising. Based on prior work and conservative estimates, the Western Salt Structure holds the potential for storing an estimated 250,000 tonnes of hydrogen in over 25 caverns, with a hydrogen storage capacity exceeding 50 million m3.

Detailed information regarding the company’s hydrogen storage capacity assessment, including the underlying assumptions, is available in the company’s press release dated July 24, 2023, filed on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.ca.

In addition to core drilling, wireline geophysics was employed to gather comprehensive data about the geological formations surrounding the core hole. The entire 279 meters of core containing visible salt mineralization will be shipped to Saskatoon for detailed logging and sample selection. Subsequently, selected core samples will be provided to the University of Alberta for mineralogical analysis, proof of concept experiments, and simulation studies.

On April 29, 2024, Vortex’s collaboration with the University of Alberta secured Alberta Innovates Funding totaling $1.2 million for the project titled ‘Field Trial of Hydrogen Storage in Canadian Domal and Bedded Salts.’

Paul Sparkes, Chief Executive Officer of Vortex, expressed his enthusiasm: “The visual results from the third core well at the Robinsons River Salt Project provide further confirmation of the results of the previous gravity and seismic interpretation work, which indicated the presence of salt formations at the Project. The visible salt mineralization observed in the core is encouraging as the drilling was done on the flanks of the Western Salt Structure, where we would typically expect to see an elevated amount of non-salt layers. We are excited to proceed with analysis of the extracted drill core and advance our work with the University of Alberta.”

The company’s commitment to rigorous quality assurance and control (QA/QC) protocols ensures the accuracy and reliability of the collected data. The core was carefully handled and logged, with depth measurements, photographs, and comprehensive documentation maintained throughout the process. The data, including photographs, were meticulously entered into a spreadsheet daily to guarantee accuracy.

The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Piotr Kulkialka, P.Geo, a consultant to the Company and a ‘Qualified Person’ as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

Vortex Energy Corp. is dedicated to advancing its Robinsons River Salt Project and exploring innovative technologies for efficient hydrogen and energy storage in salt caverns. The company’s commitment to scientific rigor, collaboration, and sustainable solutions positions it at the forefront of the burgeoning hydrogen storage industry.

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