Test Your Food & Drink Knowledge: Can You Beat The Menace’s Quiz?

Are you ready to test your food and drink knowledge against a true champion? Darragh Ennis, better known as ‘The Menace’ on ITV’s hit show *The Chase*, is challenging you to a trivia showdown. This isn’t your average pub quiz – Darragh claims this food and drink themed quiz is so tough, you might just find it impossible to get a perfect score.

Think you have what it takes to beat The Menace? Here are the questions, straight from his social media:


What fruit is the main flavor of the liqueur *crème de cassis*?


The spice saffron is made from the stamens of what flowers?


What is the name of a pork pie that has some chicken added to the filling and a whole boiled egg in the center?


What type of rice is most commonly used in a traditional Risotto?


Which vegetable has varieties including Warrior, Viking, Albion, and Archer?

Take your time, ponder those answers, and then check your results below:


Crème de cassis

is a blackcurrant flavored liqueur.


is made from the stamens of *Crocus* flowers. Fun fact: saffron is the most expensive food per unit weight, costing around £2,500 per kilogram!
3. The pork pie with an egg in the center is called a

Gala pie

4. While several types of rice can be used for Risotto,


is the most common variety.
5. Those varied names all belong to different varieties of



How did you do? Were you able to conquer The Menace’s quiz? Let us know in the comments!

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