Bear Takes Up Residence Under California Couple’s Home

Life in Sierra Madre, California, took an unexpected turn for Bob and Sara Nesler when a large black bear decided to set up shop underneath their home. The bear, whom they affectionately nicknamed ‘Junior,’ is a hefty 300 to 400 pounds and has been a regular visitor for the past two weeks. He even seems to have a routine, leaving in the evenings to explore and returning around 5:30 in the morning.

‘Junior’ gained access through a hole in the Nesler’s porch, claiming it as his den. While the couple assures everyone that ‘Junior’ hasn’t bothered them, they are concerned about the potential for danger and the possibility of being held responsible if someone were to get hurt.

The Neslers, who are seasoned residents of the area, have a unique perspective on their furry houseguest. Bob, a Hollywood animator, used to draw Yogi Bear for a living! Now, he’s found himself sketching ‘Junior’ as a memento of this unusual experience.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife responded to the Neslers’ call for help, offering advice on how to encourage ‘Junior’ to move along. Kevin Howells, a wildlife agent, suggests that the easiest way to solve the issue is to let ‘Junior’ leave on his own and then board up the hole in the porch. In the meantime, agents have installed motion-activated sprinklers in hopes of deterring ‘Junior’ from returning.

Despite the situation, the Neslers remain surprisingly calm. Sara describes ‘Junior’ as a good tenant, highlighting that aside from leaving a few piles outside their home, he isn’t causing much trouble. However, they are determined to get him out for safety reasons. Their story is a reminder of the close proximity humans and wildlife sometimes find themselves in, and the importance of coexisting peacefully with nature.

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