Hunt Oil Settles Car Crash Lawsuit for $30 Million

A Texas woman who sustained a permanent and painful back injury after a car crash caused by a Hunt Oil employee driving under the influence will receive $30 million in a settlement. The agreement came just as jury selection began in a Dallas County courtroom.

The crash occurred in November 2019 in Odessa, Texas, when 53-year-old Barbara Dalby was driving on State Highway 191. A Ford F-150 pickup truck owned and operated by Hunt Oil, driven by a Hunt Oil employee, struck her car head-on. The impact resulted in severe injuries to Ms. Dalby, requiring lumbar fusion surgery. She continues to experience chronic pain and has been unable to work since the accident.

Attorneys representing Ms. Dalby, Brent Goudarzi and Charla Aldous, believe the settlement amount is the highest ever awarded in Dallas County for a similar injury case. They attribute the significant settlement to the potential jurors who were ready to serve on the case, demonstrating the power of an active citizenry in the legal system.

Evidence presented during the case revealed that the Hunt Oil employee driving the pickup truck had drugs and alcohol in his system at the time of the crash. Furthermore, evidence showed that the driver had been consuming drugs and alcohol with his Hunt Oil supervisor immediately before the accident.

The case, Barbara Dalby v. Hunt Oil Company and Mikeal Crosson, is a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of drunk driving. It also highlights the importance of accountability and the role of the legal system in ensuring justice for victims. The settlement will allow Ms. Dalby to receive the necessary medical care for her injuries and provide financial security in the years to come.

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