Tourist Flies to Sweden for 12 Hours Just to Eat Meatballs

For Adelina Popa, a 28-year-old who calls herself an ‘extreme day-tripper,’ the world is her oyster. And her latest conquest? Authentic Swedish meatballs. She flew to Malmö, Sweden, for a whirlwind 12-hour trip, squeezing in as much as possible in just one day.

Her journey began with an 8:40 am flight from Bristol Airport to Copenhagen, followed by a train to Malmö. The entire round-trip cost her a mere £44, plus a £20 train ticket to Sweden. In just 12 hours, Adelina managed to sample local delicacies, including the famous IKEA-style meatballs, stroll through Malmö’s picturesque castle gardens and parks, and even spend a couple of hours lounging on the beach. She touched down back in the UK at 11 pm, ready for work the next day.

“I think Malmö was my favourite city so far,” Adelina said. “Someone on the Extreme Day Trips Facebook group recommended another city in Sweden, so that might be my next one.”

Adelina’s “no-frills” approach to travel is what makes it so appealing to her. “I love that they are spontaneous and hassle-free. No plan, no accommodation. You can just do it for the day and you don’t have to take much time off,” she explained.

Her adventure in extreme day-tripping began in the summer of 2023, and since then, she’s explored the likes of Copenhagen, Malaga, Monaco, Dublin and Edinburgh – all for under £100 each time. “I got into extreme day trips just when they were becoming really popular,” she said. “If I’m in a situation where I can take time off work, it’s a good thing to do to break the routine.”

Adelina believes her travel style isn’t just for fun, but also a savvy way to get a feel for a country without committing to a longer, more expensive trip. “And if you’re not sure you’re going to like a country – you can get a feel for it. It’s such a good alternative, financially. It’s much cheaper to go to the beach for a day in Spain than to catch a train to London,” she said.

But it wasn’t just the meatballs that caught Adelina’s attention. She also visited the castle gardens, explored a bustling food market, and even spent an hour on the beach.

“I went to visit the castle but it was closed, so I visited the gardens there instead,” she said. “Then I went to the food market which has such a large variety of cuisines. They had some sort of bruschetta with a fish paste and ham on top which I had for lunch with some pastries.”

After a whirlwind day of sightseeing, Adelina indulged in her main mission – a plate of meatballs at Spoonery. “They were really good,” she said. “After I visited everything I wanted to see, I stopped for some meatballs at Spoonery – they were really good – before getting on the train back to the airport.”

How to get to Malmö

If you’re feeling inspired by Adelina’s adventure and fancy a trip to Malmö yourself, it’s surprisingly easy from London. Just grab a flight to Copenhagen in Denmark – it takes about an hour and 50 minutes – and with Ryanair from Stansted, you can bag a return for as little as £21 at the moment. You can also fly to Copenhagen from places like Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh, and Bristol.

Once you touch down in Copenhagen, hop on a train or bus and you’ll be in Malmö in no time. Alternatively, you could hire a car and drive. However, keep in mind that you’ll have to pay a toll to cross the Öresund bridge, which is around 360 Krona (£40).

So, if you’re looking for a quick and affordable way to explore a new city, take inspiration from Adelina and plan your own extreme day trip to Malmö.

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