A chilling discovery unfolded on Wednesday morning in the Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu, where a family of five was found dead inside an abandoned car. The vehicle, parked on the Trichy-Karaikudi national highway, held the lifeless bodies of Manikandan, a 50-year-old businessman, his wife Nithya, his mother Saroja, and their two children, a 15-year-old girl and a 17-year-old boy. All were residents of Salem.
Local residents alerted the police after noticing the car parked in the same spot in Namanasamudran since the previous evening. Upon arriving at the scene, officers found the family members inside the car. Initial reports suggest that the five family members committed suicide by consuming poison. A suicide note was found in the car, raising suspicion that the father, Manikandan, might have taken his own life after killing his family. However, the police are still investigating the motive behind this tragic event.
According to media reports, Manikandan, who was involved in the metal trade, was reportedly facing financial difficulties due to debts. The bodies have been sent for post-mortem to the Pudukkottai Government Medical College Hospital. The police are conducting a thorough investigation to uncover the full circumstances surrounding the deaths.
In a separate incident, a 45-year-old civil contractor, Narendra Singh Chouhan, took his own life after killing his wife and teenage son in Gwalior city, Madhya Pradesh. The incident took place in their residence located in the 12 Bigha Colony under the Bahodapur police station jurisdiction. A note found in the hand of the wife, Seema (42), blamed her brother for the tragedy.
The bodies of Chouhan, his wife, and their son Aditya (18) were discovered on the first floor of their house. Initial investigations indicate that the contractor first fatally shot his wife and son before turning the gun on himself. A rifle was recovered from the scene. The police are investigating the motive behind this heinous act and the allegations made in the note found with Seema Chouhan.