Federal Judge Blocks New York AG from Targeting Pro-Life Clinics Promoting Abortion Pill Reversal

A federal judge has dealt a blow to New York Attorney General Letitia James’ efforts to restrict pro-life clinics from promoting abortion pill reversal. Judge John Sinatra Jr., a Trump appointee, issued a preliminary injunction this week, barring James from taking any action against these clinics. The injunction stems from a lawsuit filed by the Thomas More Society, representing two pro-life ministries, Summit Life Outreach Center and the Evergreen Association.

The lawsuit argues that James has targeted pregnancy centers with threats of prosecution for sharing information about abortion pill reversal, which she has labeled as unproven. The Thomas More Society contends that James’ actions constitute censorship of pro-life speech simply because she dislikes it.

“These small nonprofits, which exist to compassionately serve women and offer them alternatives to abortion, deserve to have their speech elevated—not chilled,” said Peter Breen, Thomas More Society’s executive vice president and head of litigation. “This court order makes clear Ms. James cannot censor pro-life speech purely because she dislikes it.”

Judge Sinatra Jr.’s order specifically prevents James from interfering with the clinics’ promotion of abortion pill reversal on their websites and social media platforms. Abortion pill reversal involves taking progesterone after the initial abortion pill, mifepristone, to potentially reverse the effects.

In May, James filed lawsuits against 11 pregnancy centers promoting this procedure, accusing them of engaging in fraud, deceptive business practices, and false advertising. She claimed these groups were spreading dangerous misinformation without medical and scientific proof. However, the pro-life ministries argue that their message is saving lives and that they have a constitutional right to share information about abortion pill reversal.

The Thomas More Society is also representing the 11 clinics in a separate case, where a federal judge last month ruled that the clinics were protected by the First Amendment. This latest injunction further strengthens the legal protection of these clinics and their ability to provide information about abortion pill reversal.

The ruling has been met with celebration from pro-life advocates, who see it as a significant victory in the ongoing battle over abortion rights. They view it as a crucial step towards protecting the free speech rights of pro-life organizations and allowing them to provide information about alternatives to abortion.

New York Attorney General Letitia James has not yet responded to the ruling. This development is likely to further fuel the debate surrounding abortion rights and the legal protection of pro-life organizations.

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