A Day in the Life of a Mom of Seven: Hilaria Baldwin’s Busy Routine

Forget the traditional 9-to-5 workday. Motherhood operates on a different schedule, one that feels more like a relentless 5-to-9 with everything in between. This new series delves into the messy, often exhilarating, and sometimes frustrating journey of being a mom while trying to maintain a semblance of your own life. In this installment, Hilaria Baldwin, wife of actor Alec Baldwin and mother of seven children, gives us an inside look at her typical day.

Hilaria starts her day before the sun rises, embracing the quiet stillness before the chaos begins. She checks her Oura ring, a smart ring that tracks her sleep, and, with a touch of humor, acknowledges the poor sleep scores that come with the territory of raising seven children under the age of eleven. After washing up and applying her favorite products, she enjoys a cup of coffee and takes her puppies for a walk on their balcony, where she’s created a mini patch of grass for them to enjoy.

As the city awakens, so does Hilaria’s own fitness routine. She heads out for a run, finding solace in the peacefulness of New York City in the early morning hours. She credits running with helping her stay focused throughout the day, a necessity for someone who lives with ADHD. She believes exercise is crucial for both physical and mental well-being, and she’s made it a non-negotiable part of her life.

After her run, she returns home to the whirlwind that is breakfast with her children. She emphasizes the importance of routine and preparation in the morning, with outfits laid out, backpacks ready, and breakfast ingredients prepped the night before. She believes in teaching her children responsibility, encouraging them to help out and contribute to the morning chaos.

The day unfolds with a flurry of activity, taking the six older children to school and spending quality time with her youngest daughter. Hilaria juggles filming with TLC, overseeing her children’s various extracurricular activities, and ensuring everyone is fed, bathed, and ready for homework. She sees the close age gap between her children as a blessing, allowing them to share many activities and making life a little easier.

Dinner time is a family affair, with everyone participating in the cooking process. Hilaria believes strongly in teaching her children to contribute to the household, emphasizing the importance of routine and cooperation. Evenings are filled with homework, bedtime stories, and precious moments of connection with her children. She finds joy in fostering their closeness, hoping they will remain lifelong friends.

As the day draws to a close, Hilaria and Alec steal a moment for themselves, enjoying a date night once the children are tucked in. They prioritize their relationship, recognizing the importance of carving out time for each other amidst the demands of family life. Hilaria emphasizes the importance of self-care, not just for her own well-being but as an example for her children. She wants them to see the value of prioritizing their own needs and creating a balance between family life and personal growth.

Hilaria’s story is a testament to the resilience and dedication of mothers. She navigates the complexities of motherhood with grace, humor, and a deep love for her children. She reminds us that even in the chaos, there is beauty and purpose, and that taking care of ourselves allows us to better care for the ones we love.

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