Mark Cuban Warns Elon Musk About Donald Trump’s Loyalty

In a recent exchange on X, formerly known as Twitter, billionaire Mark Cuban issued a pointed warning to Elon Musk about the loyalty of former President Donald Trump. Cuban’s cautionary words came in response to Musk’s support for Trump’s re-election bid, a move that Cuban believes could lead to disappointment for Musk.

Musk had previously argued that Trump’s re-election was the only way to save democracy, claiming that the Democrats’ immigration policies would lead to a one-party state. Cuban, however, countered that Trump’s loyalty lies solely with himself, and that Musk might be disappointed if he expects anything in return for his support. “At the point you need him the most, you will find out what so many before you have learned, his loyalty is only to himself,” Cuban stated on X.

Cuban’s comments sparked a response from venture capitalist David Sacks, an investor in Musk’s X, who dismissed Cuban’s warning as “projection.” Sacks claimed that Cuban was simply describing his own political views. Cuban, however, countered that he has not contributed financially to any politician or political action committee in over 20 years.

The exchange between Cuban and Musk highlights the contentious political landscape surrounding the 2024 election. Cuban has publicly endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, comparing her rise in the polls to a new CEO’s success. In a recent interview, Cuban expressed his belief that some of Silicon Valley’s wealthiest players, including Musk, support Trump because they believe they can control him. “I think they believe they can manipulate him,” he stated. However, Cuban has also acknowledged that Musk believes he’s much smarter than Trump, suggesting a complex dynamic between the two billionaires.

The exchange between Cuban and Musk raises questions about the influence of Silicon Valley billionaires on American politics. While Musk’s support for Trump may seem surprising given his technological ambitions, Cuban’s warning underscores the potential pitfalls of aligning with a politician known for his self-interest. As the 2024 election approaches, it remains to be seen how these dynamics will play out.

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