Boris Johnson’s Bombshell Memoir: Claims on Queen’s Health, Macron, and a Vaccine ‘Raid’

Boris Johnson’s new memoir, ‘Unleashed,’ is causing a stir with its startling revelations. The book, which has been hitting headlines in recent days, offers personal insights into the former Prime Minister’s tumultuous time in office, including controversial claims about the late Queen Elizabeth II, French President Emmanuel Macron, and even a potential military operation for vaccine supplies.

In a first-ever comment on the Queen’s health by a prominent British politician, Johnson reveals that he knew about her battle with a form of bone cancer for over a year. He claims he was aware of the Queen’s condition as far back as September 2022, when he resigned as Prime Minister. This revelation is particularly poignant given that the Queen’s death certificate only listed ‘old age’ as the cause of death, with no mention of cancer. Johnson’s account sheds light on the Queen’s final days, recalling her appearance and demeanor during their last meeting. Despite her illness, Johnson writes that the Queen’s spirit remained strong and that she was determined to fulfill her duties until the very end.

Johnson’s memoir also includes scathing accusations against French President Macron and former British Prime Minister David Cameron, who he claims retaliated against his Brexit stance. He alleges that Macron deliberately used irregular migration as a weapon to undermine Brexit, accusing the French leader of turning a blind eye to gangs smuggling illegal immigrants across the English Channel. Johnson attributes Macron’s actions to his strong opposition to Brexit, viewing it as a personal affront to the EU and his worldview.

Turning to Cameron, Johnson claims the former Prime Minister offered him top cabinet positions in exchange for dropping his support for Brexit and remaining within the European Union. Johnson says Cameron threatened him with dire consequences if he refused the offer, ultimately leading to a tense standoff.

The most shocking revelation, however, is Johnson’s claim that he considered launching a daring ‘aquatic raid’ on a warehouse in the Netherlands to secure Covid-19 vaccine supplies during a supply dispute with the EU. He admits the plan was ‘nuts’ but reveals he discussed it with senior military officials in March 2021, who advised him against it due to its impracticality and potential diplomatic fallout. The Netherlands, as a NATO ally, would likely raise serious concerns about such an action.

Johnson’s ‘Unleashed’ is more than just a political memoir. It is a window into his personal experiences during a tumultuous period, offering a glimpse into his relationships with some of the world’s most powerful figures. These controversial revelations have sparked widespread debate, with many questioning the validity of his claims and the timing of their release.

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